The January 2023 Saturday Broadsheet

This month’s Saturday Broadsheet, with all my writing life updates, is now available at the link below.

In this issue of the Broadsheet you will find:

  • writing project and publishing updates
  • a few books that are on sale or free
  • and a scene from between the lines of Jane Austen’s Emma

Have a great weekend!

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The November 2022 Saturday Broadsheet

This month’s Saturday Broadsheet, with all my writing life updates, is now available at the link below.

In this issue of the Broadsheet you will find:

  • a writing project and publishing updates
  • a few books that are on sale or free
  • and the story of Percival the Frog

Have a great weekend!

I hope you have time to read a book.

Never skip a step

Hey, everyone.

I hope you’re weekend is off to an ok start. Mine has started with a message that the link in the Saturday Broadsheet post (You can find that post here) was not working.

It has been fix! So, I thought I post this so that all who subscribe to my blog and maybe tried to read earlier and couldn’t would know that you can read the Broadsheet now.

Apparently, I forgot to hit enter when adding the link last night when creating the Broadsheet post. AND because it was late (11pm), I decided to skip the preview and check step. I had created lots of these posts. I knew what I was doing. I didn’t need to check.

Yeah, right!

I should have checked and prevented frustration for those who tried to read and couldn’t.

Sorry! Hope the rest of your day is good.


P.S. Yes, I did check the link above and it works. 🙂

The October 2022 Saturday Broadsheet

This month’s Saturday Broadsheet, with all my writing life updates, is now available at the link below.

In this issue of the Broadsheet you will find:

  • a personal update
  • a few books that are on sale
  • and a picture of some mourning jewelry and a story excerpt

Have a great weekend!

I hope you have time to read a book.

The August 2022 Saturday Broadsheet

The Saturday Broadsheet, with all my writing life updates, is now available at the link at the bottom of this short post.

In this issue of the Broadsheet you will find:

  • Info about what is posting on my blog. (As if you didn’t know, right? LOL)
  • An update on my current writing project.
  • Info about several books that are on sale.
  • And in the story connections section, you will find some illustrations of characters in and a few lines from a Shakespearean play that appears in one of my books.

Have a great weekend!

I hope you have time to read a book.

I’ll be back on Wednesday (hopefully) with a Story Connection, and then again, on Thursday with a new chapter of His Inconvenient Choice.