TSB: Changes are Coming for the Summer

I’m trying some changes. Here’s what they are and why. 

Have you ever been so tired that you put the jar of protein powder in the fridge instead of in the cupboard next to the fridge? I have been. Several times lately.

The lockdown is taking its toll. Later this month, I will get to return for an appointment with my osteopath. I have not seen her or any of the health care team at her clinic for more than 6 months now. This, coupled with just the stresses we all face during our current world situation, has not done my health any favours. Much of the progress we had been making on correcting some sleep issues while still keeping me relatively free from pain (I have some disc issues) has been lost.

I know that getting in to see my healthcare team will be even trickier now as appointments per day for the clinic are being restricted due to health measures that are in place. This means it will be a while before a regular pattern of treatments will resume for me. 

With this in mind, I am looking at ways to adjust, rearrange, and/or lessen my workload, thereby easing some of the stress on my body at least for the summer months and possibly longer if I find the changes work well. Rest assured that creating stories for you to read will remain my priority. 

Trust me. Cutting back is not something I find easy to do (I am a bit of a workaholic), but I know it is necessary. Here are the changes I have planned at this time: 

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TSB: Writing News, Sneak Peeks, and More

Before we get into the writing news for this week, I wanted to say that I know the past nearly two weeks have been fraught with strife for my American readers, relations, and friends. You have and will continue to be in my prayers, and I want you to know that I will continue to strive, as I always have, to demonstrate through my actions and words my love and respect for you all. 

Writing News

So far this week, I have written one chapter of Protecting Miss Darcy. That’s it. That’s all I wrote. 🙂 I hope to have time later today (Friday) to write another chapter of something. 

My reason for such a low amount of writing this week was editing. I finished my first round read-through of Matching Mr. Darcy and have sent that off to my sister for her critique. 

Publishing News

Sneak peek time!

By this time next week, I expect to have preorder information for Matching Mr. Darcy to share with you. If you’d like to see the book cover and read the first (unfinalized) chapter of this book, you can find both of those things at this link

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TSB: My Writing News and Adding Beauty to my Social Media

Can you believe this is the final Saturday of May? That means we have almost survived another month of 2020. 🙂 At times, it feels like time is dragging, but then, I immerse myself into my work, and, when I look up, I’m surprised at how much time has passed. I hope you are finding ways to make 2020 enjoyable and find the beauty in life despite any restrictions which still remain where you are. Below, is an update on the enjoyable, writing-related things that take up a large portion of each of my days. 🙂  And at the end, as my something extra, I have included one way I am attempting to add beauty to my life on social media.

Writing News

I don’t have any excerpts of writing to share with you this week because I don’t want to give anything away in either story that I am writing. So, this will be a short and kind of boring 🙂 update on how my works in progress are progressing. 

In my writing time, so far, I have written one chapter each of Protecting Miss Darcy and Her Convenient Forever. I’m actually planning to get one more chapter of Protecting Miss Darcy before the week is over. 

Continue reading TSB: My Writing News and Adding Beauty to my Social Media

TSB: Book News and Exercising at Home Regency Style

Oh, my! This has been a busy, busy week. Not much writing got done, but a lot of other tasks did. I’ll tell you more about that below, as well as about the books I have on sale, the book I have on preorder, and a little bit about a piece of exercise equipment that is mentioned in His Irreplaceable Belle. Ready to find out about all that? Here we go…

Writing News

This week, I wrote one chapter of Her Convenient Forever. That’s all I have gotten written so far this week. I hope to maybe have time to at least start a chapter of Protecting Miss Darcy later today, but we’ll see if there is time for that or not. Below is an excerpt from near the end of the chapter I wrote. The Loves have just arrived at Grenwood Hall to take a tour, and Mrs. Love is quite excited for the opportunity. (Little does she know just how eventful this tour will be — but I haven’t written that part yet, nor am I going to share that little secret.) 

“I thought that we could start our tour in the drawing room with a glass of lemonade and a biscuit if youwish.”

“I just ate something on the way here,” Felicity admitted softly. It was not something she would have admitted to just anyone, but Mr. Hedrington had not judged her harshly for being with child. Therefore, she suspected he would not care one bit if she had consumed a full meal while travelling the few miles from their cottage to his home. “However, I would not turn down a glass of lemonade.”

“Then, we shall have lemonade and save the biscuits for later.” He paused before he reached the door. “Did you get a good look at the façade? It is quite grand is it not?”

“It is lovely, simply lovely,” Felicity’s mother cried. “Mrs. Adams – do you know her?”

“I do,” Mr. Hedrington said.

“Mrs. Adams told me that the house and grounds were well proportioned, and she was right. Oh!” One of her hands rested just above her heart. “It is delightfully proportioned. Even spacing on the windows and each matching the other. The symmetry is exactly as it should be.”

Continue reading TSB: Book News and Exercising at Home Regency Style

TSB: A Series Sale, a Preorder, and Who is in that Painting?

I hope you had a good week and that you are staying safe and well. We are settling into a new routine at the Brown house as my husband has started back to work on a summer schedule, and my eldest son will be starting to go back to work part-time next week since his place of business has re-opened with limited hours. This all means my days are starting and ending a little earlier at present, which is great since the lawn will soon be long enough for its first mowing, and I like to get that over with in the morning. That’s it for my short personal life update. Now, let’s get on with my book news. 

Writing News

This week, I wrote one more chapter of Protecting Miss Darcy. I’m up to chapter 11 in that story currently, and in this chapter, Wes makes an appearance and is his usual fun and slightly annoying self. I’ll let you have a little peek at that this week. 

Continue reading TSB: A Series Sale, a Preorder, and Who is in that Painting?