Wintery Night in the Park

Wintertime night scene in the park. Author: psychoshadow. Image sourced from Depositphotos

This image that I found on Depositphotos feels like the story that I’m sharing from today in this post. It’s lonely and quiet. It’s rimmed with shadows that hide many things. And yet, it’s got that light which is chasing away those shadows and making the scene feel a little welcoming.

I’d say this story, Frosted Windowpanes, is like that. There’s a welcome to the scene in which the main character finds himself, but is it a lasting welcome or will the shadows of the past and circumstances of the present snuff out the glimmer of home? I can’t tell you how it happens because that would be spoiling the story. But, this is a Leenie Brown story and touched with inspiration from Persuasion, so you know the ending cannot be bleak, right?

Below is the first chapter of this four-chapter novelette from my Nature’s Fury and Delights Collection. For those who are familiar with my Willow Hall series, you’ll see a few names that should be familiar since Mr. Mullins’s estate is located in Derbyshire near Willow Hall and Kympton.

One more note before I let you read the beginning of the story: Frosted Windowpanes is the free Ream and Patreon read this month, so at the end of the chapter, I will include links to find it on those platforms (you do have to sign up as a free follower to access it there) and links to where the story is available in stores and such.


Continue reading Wintery Night in the Park

Don’t Judge a Book by Its Page Count

I had some book mail arrive this week, and it gave me this lovely visual to illustrate how the page count and thickness of a book doesn’t always indicate how long the actual story is when compared to the book next to it. I get into the details in this video. I also share how I’m guilty of judging a book by its page count.


I mention my fledgling Etsy store in this video. You can find that at this link:

It still only has one book in it. I’d love to know if there are any books that you think I should put at the top of my “add to Etsy store” list.

And as always, you can find all my books and current book promotions on my website,