Music Monday: Good King Wenceslas, The Irish Rovers

AlexanderRoublev. “The Irish Rovers. Good King Wenceslas.” YouTube. YouTube, 18 Dec. 2011. Web. 25 Dec. 2016.


This was one of my favourite carols as a child. Why? Because it told a story about a kind king.  I would listen to the carol, often singing along, as lovely images of a king and his page struggling through the snow would play in my mind.

I could feel the wind blowing and would shiver as the cold seeped through the pages clothing chilling his blood.  I could see the peasant stooping and adding another twig to the pile in his arms.  I would imagine his family huddled around the hearth at his home waiting for his return. I could see the page taking large strides to match those of his master as he followed behind the king sheltered from the wind and snow. I would smile at the thought of the surprise visit and gift from the king to the peasant.  And I would be reminded that I was blessed.

I still think about these things when I hear this song, and it is still a reminder of just how blessed I am.


I have spent more time reading this week than writing.  In the midst of the busyness of the season, combined with the release of A Very Mary Christmas and hosting a book launch giveaway on Austen Authors, finding time to write was challenging.  Finding time to read was less challenging, so I reread parts of some books that I have read several times before.  It’s a thing I do when I find a book that I particularly enjoy and am drawn back to.  I reread these stories with a purpose — to discover the story or character development techniques the author has used to engage my interest.  I like to think of it as studying at the feet of the masters. 🙂

However, it was not all reading this week.  Below is a small portion of what I was able to write.  I am still working on Willow Hall, Book 4.  I am getting into the things are starting to come to that ultimate climax before the resolution portion of the story, so read at your own risk. 🙂  It will be many weeks before this portion shows up in a Thursday post.

STORY EXCERPT Willow Hall Romance, Book 4:

Later that evening, Bingley tapped his fingers on the table next to the letter he had written. He was uncertain if this was the best course of action.  Perhaps he should just take a trip to town to speak with Mr. ___.  Letters were tricky items.  There was no guarantee that the intended recipient would be the only recipient of the news in a missive.  He scanned the words again.  Continue reading Music Monday: Good King Wenceslas, The Irish Rovers

Music Monday: A Traditional Christmas, Brian Crain

So this week, in addition to writing (short excerpt below), I have been getting things ready for the publication of A Very Mary Christmas (info below).  I figured that while working on a seasonal story, I should be listening to some lovely seasonal piano music, so this playlist has been playing repeatedly in my office.   Continue reading Music Monday: A Traditional Christmas, Brian Crain

Music Monday: Beautiful Romantic Music (101), Peder B. Helland

Soothing Relaxation. “Beautiful Romantic Music: Relaxing Music, Piano Music, Violin Music, Guitar Music, Cello Music ★101.” YouTube. YouTube, 07 Nov. 2016. Web. 03 Dec. 2016.

It is that time of year when I start to re-evaluate everything and decide if I wish to keep doing things as I have or make changes.  I am in the process of contemplating my posts here on this website, starting with the first post of the week — Music Monday.  In the past, I have often had a song that connected directly to a story because I often find inspiration in music — be it the lyrics or the emotions the melody evokes.  That has  not changed. I still find music very inspiring, and when I write, there is almost always some sort of music playing in the background.  So, I am still planning to share music on Mondays for now, but these posts will not always have a direct connection to the story on which I am working. They will rather be pieces that I have found inspiring and have had playing as I work — which is exactly what this week’s selection is. This week, I have been listening to this particular piece of music (in a shorter version, which I purchased on along with several other tracks by this composer.

And what have I been working on as this music plays?  Well, I am attempting to get a good portion of the new Thursday’s Three Hundred story sorted out. Another week of writing, and I think I should have it well underway and be able to tell if everything is working together as it should for the story.  So, do I post a small excerpt from that story here on Monday as I have all the other times when doing a music/story connection post?  Sure. Why not?

Remember, this story is under construction and an excerpt here may or may not show up in the version that gets posted later…although I am working very diligently to make sure that I am only writing useable material. 🙂

This small piece is from a section where Bingley has had a rough day and is drowning his sorrows. It is also the beginning of a planning session by a rather sloshed Bingley and a slightly tipsy Colonel Fitzwilliam about what might be the best tactic to use if Bingley wishes to get Jane to accept him. 🙂

A Story Excerpt from Willow Hall, Book 4 (I’m still working on choosing a title 😉 ):

“What has you looking as if you ate a piece of bad fish?” asked Richard, taking a seat in Pemberley’s game room next to Bingley. 

Bingley shrugged and gulped the last of his drink.  “You did not stay at Matlock?”

Richard sighed and scrubbed his face with his hands.  “My sister is the center of a house party, and although her friends seem to enjoy my company, I do not enjoy theirs.  The last of the guest should leave by week’s end. I shall visit for a longer period of time after that.  As it was, yesterday and this morning was long enough for my mother to begin speaking of my marrying.” 

“It is a sad lot for us men,” muttered Bingley.

“Marriage?” Richard unbuttoned his waistcoat.  Continue reading Music Monday: Beautiful Romantic Music (101), Peder B. Helland

Music Monday: Don’t Let Her Be Gone, Gord Bamford


I will admit that when this song started playing regularly on the radio, I did not like it. In fact, I can remember whining to a friend that it was “so sad.” But as it played over and over each day as I made supper or did the dishes, I grew to like it — which is a lot like the characters in this week’s featured novella, Through Every Storm.

Lydia and Wickham are easy to dislike.  Everyone dislikes them, don’t they? They are horrible, rotten, self-centered individuals….right? Perhaps they were. 😉 However, my challenge in writing this novella was to make them likable.  Yes, you heard that correctly, I wished to redeem the unredeemable, so to speak.

But what if after several years of marriage, Wickham has both matured and come to love his wife? What if that wife loves her husband deeply but has not matured as much as he has and still holds on to some scars from her youth? What if she does something stupid and justifiably unforgivable by her husband? What if she discovers the truth behind his reason for marrying her — that he was paid to do it? How does a family, for they have two children, weather such storms?

That’s the story you’ll find in Through Every Storm.

It, like the song this week, is sad, but it, unlike the song, ends on a very sweet and hopeful note.  I think you’ll be surprised by the characters. I know I was. I came to love them — yes, actually. 🙂 And I’m not alone. I have heard from readers who have also (shockingly) found themselves liking Lydia and Wickham.

Now, there are two places in this story where Wickham finds himself thinking “please don’t let her be gone.” The first time is in chapter one which can be previewed here:  Through Every Storm.  The second can be seen in this Music Monday excerpt from when I was writing the story.

August 23 - 29, 2016

Since this novella is featured in this week’s discounted books, I thought I would share the second chapter with you.  So, read that first chapter at the link above and then continue on with the chapter below, and I will urge you to give the book a try.

Chapter 2, Through Every Storm

Wickham had slept, but it had been fitful at best. He pulled out his watch fob. One more hour, one more hour and they would be on their way. He paced the length of his bedchamber, his stocking clad feet making a soft padding sound as he paced. His boots stood ready by the door; his bag was packed and waiting. Fifteen minutes, fifteen minutes and Denny would join him to break his fast. Five more minutes of pacing and turning over what he needed to do in his mind. He checked his watch one more time; then, he straightened his cravat, slipped into his coat and tugged on his boots before proceeding down the hall to his wife’s room. There, he gave a loud knock before throwing the door open and striding into the room.

Lydia shot up in bed, clutching the blankets to her. “George!” she squealed. “You gave me such a fright. What do you mean disturbing my sleep so early?”

“We leave in less than an hour. If you wish to dress and eat before entering the carriage, I suggest you get out of bed now.” He spun on his heels and strode out of the room, leaving a gaping and sputtering Lydia.

“Good morning, Wickham,” said Denny as they descended the stairs. “I see you have taken to my method of rousing the wicked.” Denny laughed and smacked Wickham on the back.

Wickham smiled. “Seems effective.” He could hear his wife banging about in her room.

Denny and Wickham were the first to enter the breakfast room and hungrily filled their plates from the steaming serving dishes on the sideboard. They were both half way through their plates and on their second cup of coffee when Lydia stomped into the room.

“Good morning, Lydia. Nice of you to join us,” said Denny.

“As if I had a choice.” Lydia rattled the plates and clanked the serving spoons to show her disgust as she filled her plate.

“You had a choice. Eat or go hungry.” Wickham spread jam on his toast. “If you break the dishes, you will pay for them. I will not. I suggest you swallow your annoyance and start acting like a lady instead of a spoiled child. Good morning, Darcy, Mrs. Darcy.”

Continue reading Music Monday: Don’t Let Her Be Gone, Gord Bamford

Music Monday: Hide Away – Period Drama Music Video

Janeaustenbooks. “Hide Away – Period Drama Music Video.” YouTube. YouTube, 19 July 2015.


Finally Mrs. Darcy goes “live” this Wednesday.  So, that must mean I am working on something new, right?  Absolutely! I am always working on some story.

Right now, I am several thousand words into Waking to Mr. Darcy, and I am going to share the first bit of that first draft with you because it answers the question “Where do the good boys go to hideaway?”


EXCERPT FROM Waking to Mr. Darcy

“Rude! That is what my sisters are.” Bingley placed another piece of wood none too gently on the pile he and Darcy were making near the fireplace.  “They were barely civil to Mrs. Bennet and spoke not word to any of the Misses Bennet, save Miss Elizabeth.”  He gave a harsh laugh.  “And they only spoke to her when absolutely necessary and with such a superior air!”  He stomped out the door, to the wood pile, and back into the cabin.  “I have a mind to send them both off with Hurst.  Let him deal with them. Not that he would know much of what they were about since he is constantly in his cups.” 

Darcy closed the door to the small hunting cabin and shrugged out of his overcoat.  “Have you considered that their lack of civility is not fully unwarranted?” 

“Out!” Bingley pointed to the door.  “I have escaped to this cabin to be rid of such sentiments.  You may go spread your vitriol with my sisters. Caroline would be delighted.” 

Darcy winced at the thought of spending time with Caroline and grimaced a second time as he realized that his friend was comparing him to that very lady.  “Let me explain,” he began. 

“I have no desire to hear about the Bennets being of low standing.”  Bingley knelt before at the hearth applying himself to the starting of a fire.  The November evening air was cool and damp.  “Mr. Bennet is a gentleman.”  He turned his head to look at Darcy.  “A gentleman ─ born that way.” 

“He is married to trade.” 

Bingley growled something at the tinder and was then silent. 

Darcy watched him work for a moment and then satisfied that the fire was about to start, went in search of two cups and a bottle of brandy.  “How many days worth of supplies did you have them deliver?” 

“Five.” Bingley took the bottle of brandy from Darcy and doubled the amount Darcy had poured for him. “I am not certain how long it will be before I am willing to see my sisters again.”  He peered over his cup with raised brows.  “The same will be said for you if you continue with your disparagements of the Bennets.”  Continue reading Music Monday: Hide Away – Period Drama Music Video