Charles Joshua Chaplin [Public domain] via Wikimedia Commons
“What are you two to doing this afternoon?” Richard asked.
“I am continuing my lessons. We have just completed the duties of the footmen and maids,” Lydia replied. “There is a lot to remember, but Miss Bingley is very patient. Surprisingly so.”
“Is that so?” Amusement had been so far from Richard for so many weeks that it was quite refreshing to feel it now.
[from Loving Lydia, book 3 in the Marrying Elizabeth Series]
Frederick Morgan [Public domain] via Wikimedia Commons[I think this picture is a good representation of the familial relationships which are developing in Loving Lydia. I can see Elizabeth from this story pulling Lydia to her side like this and helping her along the path of life.]
“Do you think he will see her?” Elizabeth whispered to Darcy. Lydia had eaten little yesterday or today. Between the worry over the damage Mary might have done by being so outspoken to Lord Westonbury and concern about the colonel, she had little appetite and wandered from room to room unable to focus on any task. To be honest, Elizabeth was more than a little anxious about the state of her youngest sister’s mind.
“We are hopeful,” Darcy replied.
[from Loving Lydia, book 3 in the Marrying Elizabeth Series]
Rudolph Ackermann. August 1812. Los Angeles County Museum of Art [Public domain] via Wikimedia Commons
“My arm is not taken,” Westonbury offered.
Mary looked at the arm he offered, raised a brow while giving him a look of perturbed displeasure, and then very cautiously placed her hand on it.
“Why?” Bingley whispered to Darcy as the group began walking once again. “She obviously does not like him. Why would he subject himself to what could very likely be a lecture?”
[from Loving Lydia, book 3 in the Marrying Elizabeth Series]
Published to YouTube by ThePianoGuys on November 16, 2017.
I thought we should start this day before Christmas with a rousing, joyous song, and this arrangement of Ode to Joy and Joy to the World certainly fit that description! So click play and let your spirits be lifted as you read my writing news and enjoy a small excerpt from Tom’s story.
Frosted Windowpanes concludes this Thursday. I published this novelette along with two others last Thursday. (One is a Pride and Prejudice Variation and the second is a Sense and Sensibility Variation) This bundle of stories was also given out to my mailing list subscribers. If you wish to subscribe and get this collection of three novelettes as a gift, you can do that here:
Click the picture to be taken to the form to subscribe.
This mailing list offer is only good for another week. So if you’re a mailing list sort of person, sign up soon. If, however, you are not a mailing list sort of person and would prefer to purchase the book, you can do that here:
Here’s a little bonus info thing for the curious (like me 😉 ):
Wondering how long a novelette is? This handy chart can help. I got this one from Wikipedia. I use a slightly modified version of these numbers for classification purposes.I know that for one Romance Writers of America award (I think it is the RITA contest), they use 20,000 to 40,000 as the word count range for a novella. Therefore, since I write romance novellas, I use the RWA numbers for novellas, which means a novelette for me goes up to 19,999 words. The novelettes in my Nature's Fury and Delights book are between about 9,200 and 11,675 words. :)I think it is important to note that classifications can vary by genre. (The above chart is not a romance genre chart.) There is no one set guideline. I just thought you might like to know how I am classifying my stories. :)And one more thing I must include here before returning you to your regularly scheduled Music Monday post: Neither word count nor page count defines a good story -- story structure does that. ;) But that's a whole other discussion (and a topic I love discussing).
Ok, now back to my writing news:
Next Thursday, Loving Lydia will begin. I have written three Thursday posts of Loving Lydia so far, and hope to get another one written this week so that I am a month ahead of what is posting.
I have received the final edits for Delighting Mrs. Bennet back from my proofreader and will be starting on those this week. I hope to have the preorder set up for this book by next Monday — However, it is the holiday season so my plans may not go as scheduled. I’ll let you know next Monday. I still expect to have this book published on January 10, 2019.
My writing time was very limited this past week due to the book coming out on Thursday and Christmas preparations. However, I did manage to complete two chapters of Tom’s story. (I began one of those chapters last week, so really I only wrote one and two-thirds chapters. 🙂 ) I’m hoping to get at least that much written this week, but again, all story production plans are subject to change this week. [I will begin posting this on Patreon after the holidays are over.]
While working on Tom’s story this week, I discovered that dictation is a great way for me to do story brainstorming. There is something that happens when I talk out loud to myself that helps the ideas come together and start to connect better than any other method I have used previously. It was kind of exciting to see. I had noticed that using dictation when brainstorming for Lydia’s story had seemed to help, but I wasn’t sure if it was a fluke or not. It appears it is not. I think my brain works best this way. (And figuring out how my brain works best is exciting stuff to me.)
I found a clip on YouTube of a song that I thought was appropriate for this particular Monday morning. 🙂 I hope you enjoy it — and don’t forget to scroll on down and read my updates and a story excerpt (if you dare 😉 since it may contain spoilers).
Maldonado, Gregory. “In Your Easter Bonnet – Judy Garland (Easter Parade).” YouTube, YouTube, 23 Apr. 2011,
Writing News:
Confounding Caroline: THE scene posts this Thursday. You know — the one where Caroline falls into a betrothal. There are only two more posts after that one, and we will be ready for a new story to start posting after a short hiatus. Confounding Caroline is back from my first reader and just waiting for me to give it some attention before it goes off for the next round of edits. However, it has to wait since I must first attend to…
Mr. Darcy’s Comfort: I finished the first draft of this story on Thursday of this past week. I have begun to reread it and do a bit of polishing in preparation for sending it to my first reader. I hope to have it off to her by the end of tonight or maybe tomorrow. I will be posting the last chapter of the story on Patreon tonight. It took me a little longer to get this story written than expected, but I am still hoping to release it in April. However, it will probably toward the end of the month with a preorder up by April 17th or so.
That means both writing projects are now editing projects. Therefore, I have begun working on two new stories.
Delighting Mrs. Bennet: This will be the next Thursday story and will pick up Darcy and Elizabeth’s story from where it left off in Confounding Caroline. Plans for this story include some hopefully fun twists as well as a naughty little puppy. 🙂
The Sequel to Mr. Darcy’s Comfort: I have had some “conversations” with the characters, and I have some goals, conflict, and motivation sorts of ideas roughly sketched out. However, I have not written a word of this story yet. That will hopefully happen tonight, although my husband is off today, so it might be tomorrow before I get to begin. This story holds promise to be a fun story as well and will star another character that most readers do not particularly like. (Why do I feel compelled to work with the trying characters? :D) Hopefully, there will be a few readers willing to try it because it should be an entertaining read.
That’s it. A lot of transitioning from one project to another. Next week, there may not a story excerpt because I don’t think I will be far enough into either story to be comfortable with sharing from them. Today, the excerpt is from the end of the story, so read at your own risk.