The June 2024 Saturday Broadsheet

June 8, 2024


For some, it has started.

For us, it is just around the corner. Next month, when school is no longer in session, it will be officially summer here. Of course, for some of you, summer is a couple seasons away. 🙂

Whether it is summer where you are or not, we have reach the middle of the year.

My older sister and I were talking about that this week when she called and neither of us could believe that nearly half a year had passed so quickly. That either means, I’ve been busy, or I’m just “old.” I remember time dragging when I was a kid, waiting for school to end. Ah! That’s it! I’m not teaching anymore so time seems to go faster — phew! It’s not because of age. 🙂 Haha!

I think having been under the weather for two weeks has also helped with the “time is flying without my noticing it” feeling. I’m almost all the way better now. However, my brain is feeling the effects, so catching up on work has been slower than I’d expected.

That being said, I have managed to get up through chapter seven of How to Marry an Accomplished Lady (without losing one’s mind) written. So, that’ good progress, and puts me at about the halfway point on that story.

Oxford Cottage is still awaiting attention. I’ve redone one chapter and have the document set up to do the second, but I haven’t gotten to it yet.

I’ve also got a few other writing and non-writing projects on the go, so really, it’s been a good, productive month since I last shared a Saturday Broadsheet with you. (Even with having to take time off to convalesce.)

So, now, let’s get on to the book news and then, a throwback story vignette (that goes with Oxford Cottage) to conclude this broadsheet.

Continue reading The June 2024 Saturday Broadsheet

The May 2024 Saturday Broadsheet

With this edition of my monthly Broadsheet, I am going to start posting the full thing here rather than just sharing a link to read it on Substack, since it’s just a matter of copy and pasting it here. I do also post this on Substack, Patreon, and Ream Stories.

May 11, 2024

Has it been a month already since the last Saturday Broadsheet?

My! Time sure seems to fly sometimes.

I’ve been busy with life and writing things, so that’s probably why it seems like only a couple of weeks ago that I was writing my previous Broadsheet.

Unfortunately, not all the busyness was pleasant. My father-in-law was suddenly moved from home care to palliative care and then, died shortly after that. So, there was a lot of dreading the sound of a phone call and then, the proceedings that accompany a funeral. And now, there are some matters that must be sorted through as happens when someone dies. But he is no longer sick or in pain, and his funeral was lovely and as hope-filled as such a thing can be since he requested that it focus on Jesus and not on him.

In my writing life, I’m starting to get settled into a schedule that allows for me to write a bit on several projects at once. I used to work on multiple stories at one time, but then, I hit some burnout and then, I got long covid, which I still am struggling with. So, I’m so very happy to be able to take even small steps towards a return to a new form of normal. (I’m trying to keep things low and slow to avoid set backs or finding myself feeling burnt out again.)

As you will see below, the new schedule has helped me reach the point of being able to share my Sweet Possibilities work in progress with my members and patrons. That means I’m at least four chapters into the writing process. You’ll also notice below that a few chapters will be available as a preview to non-paying followers.

The funeral has me one week behind on getting into the Oxford Cottage refresh. I would really like to be able to start sharing the refreshed chapters on Thursdays on my blog, Patreon, and Ream by the end of June. Just like with the new stories I write and share, I also like to be a few chapters ahead when it comes to doing refresh projects. Honestly, refreshing a book can be more challenging than writing from scratch. But it’s so nice to have the stories get another polish, and the process is a good exercise for my writing muscles.

Because I am just opening up Oxford Cottage and getting ready to refresh it, this month’s story vignette goes with that novel. So look for that at the end of this newsletter.

Continue reading The May 2024 Saturday Broadsheet

The April 2023 Saturday Broadsheet

This month’s Saturday Broadsheet, with all my writing life updates, is now available at the link below.

In this issue of the Broadsheet you will find:

  • my current writing project
  • what has been newly added to Kindle Unlimited
  • which books have been put on limited time promotions (It’s two free books this time.)
  • an upcoming opportunity to read and review a previously published book via Booksprout
  • and a refreshed, inspired by Oxford Cottage, story scene I wrote several years ago, called Lawrence, the Lonely Viscount

Have a great weekend!

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The July 2022 Saturday Broadsheet

The Saturday Broadsheet, with all my writing life updates, is now available at the link at the bottom of this short post.

In this issue of the Broadsheet you will find:

  • Info about what is posting on my blog. (As if you didn’t know, right? LOL)
  • An excerpt from my current work in progress, His Father’s Last Gift
  • Info about the two books I have on sale for $0.99 this month, a couple of other books that have been reduced in price, and one boxset that is on sale for this weekend only.
  • A link to a multi-author promotion I am taking part in
  • And in the something fun section at the end of the newsletter you will find, a music video that has been paired with an excerpt from one of the books in the boxset I have on sale this weekend. (It features one of my all-time favourite troublemakers. ;))

Have a great weekend!

I hope you have time to read a book.

I’ll be back on Thursday with a new chapter of His Inconvenient Choice.

Cottage Door, Amberley, Sussex

Internet Archive Book Images, No restrictions, via Wikimedia Commons
 The cottages and the village life of rural England. 1912. Ditchfield, P. H. (Peter Hampson)

The spitting rain had left muddy trails down Darcy’s greatcoat as it mixed with the road dirt.  Keeping to the right branch of the road as the gentleman had instructed, Darcy found himself riding up a path toward a stone cottage.  “I think this is the cottage,” said Darcy.

“I do not see any other,” agreed Bingley.

[from Oxford Cottage]

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