Chris Hammond (1860-1900) [Public domain] via Wikimedia CommonsEvery H/h needs a good wingman — a person who…
has your back (or wishes to stab you in the back),
helps you succeed (or hopes to see you fail so they can trample you once you’re down),
points out your flaws to help you improve (or illustrate your ineptness),
makes you look good (or ensures you look ridiculous).
For good or ill, all stories NEED secondary characters.
But how do we create these important, though not headlining, cast members?
In this episode of the LLS Society Papers*, we’re talking about how we created and used a few of the many secondary characters we have written into stories.
Live Stream will begin at 3 PM EST or 4 PM Atlantic. 🙂
*Longbourn Literary Society is a Facebook group founded by three friends, who share a love of writing and Jane Austen for the purpose of promoting those loves and our work.
You can find Rose and Zoe’s websites at these links:
“I am not taking your money, nor am I giving you any of mine.”
“Then, let’s make a different agreement. If I can skip the rock – not if I can skip it further than you, but just if I can skip it – you truly do not think I can?” he asked in response to Roger’s look of disbelief.
“No, the angle is all wrong.”
“You might be right, but then again, you might be wrong.”
“Very well, if you can perform this feat, what do you require in payment besides my admitting that you were right?”
“You must answer one question.”
“What question?” Roger eyed his brother-in-law skeptically.
“No, I will not tell you. You must agree to an unknown question, which should not be too hard to do unless, of course, you are hiding something?”
[from His Darling Friend, A Touches of Austen Novella, and the current Sweet Tuesdays story]
Published to YouTube by Hauser on November 24, 2017.
Will Roger take the bet and possibly have to reveal his secret to Diana’s husband, Berk? That’s just one of the secrets that are contained in tomorrow’s chapter of His Darling Friend. That is why I thought this song’s title seemed like a good choice to share today — and it’s just a beautiful song! I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I do. 🙂 Continue reading Music Monday: Song from a Secret Garden (Hauser)
The morning had been as delightful as any ride through the countryside could be. The sun was shining in a nearly solid blue sky as only a few clouds were dotting the expanse above. The air was fresh and not at all close. The only thing which had dampened the enjoyment of the exercise had been that it was entirely too short. Well, maybe that was not the only thing which had not met with Victoria’s satisfaction. There had been one thing — or rather, person — missing.
“Have you seen Roger today?” Victoria had slipped into the library and taken a seat next to Diana on a sofa.
“He said good morning to me,” Diana replied, looking up from her book. “He was dressed to go riding. I had assumed he was going with the group.”
“He was not with us.” Victoria pulled her lower lip between her teeth. He could be anywhere. He had spoken of escaping after a few days of being at the house party when he first arrived, but then, when they had decided to help Grace find a match, he had said he would be required to stay longer. “Did he leave?” she whispered behind her book.
[from His Darling Friend, A Touches of Austen Novella, and the current Sweet Tuesdays’ story]
Published to YouTube by Brian Crain on Sep 20, 2016.
I know this video does not have any pictures with it, but the music is just so beautiful (and the title fits well with the excerpt from His Darling Friend). I find starting my day with music like this to be delightful, so beginning a week this way should be just as good if not better. 🙂 I just added this album to my Music to Write By playlist on Spotify this week. I’ve listened to songs from it many times on both Spotify and YouTube but hadn’t saved the album until this week. If you would like to listen to the full album, you can find the full Morning Light album playlist on YouTube at this link.
In writing news:
I am still one chapter behind on where I would like to be with Loving Lydia — as long as I get a chapter written later today. Otherwise, I will be two weeks behind.
I am still where I want to be with Roger’s story (4 chapters ahead), and I think I’m heading into the conclusion. Now, I am wondering what I will post on Tuesdays after this story is over, and currently, I have no clue as to what it will be. 😀
I wrote two more chapters on my newest work in progress which brings me up to a total of three chapters completed. I started posting this story on Patreon on Friday, and I’m going to share an excerpt from that story below. Continue reading Music Monday: Morning Light (Brian Crain)
He glanced down the table at Victoria once again. She had taught him many things over the years. Was there ever a better friend that anyone could have? She leaned toward Clayton again. Roger caught his scowl before it could form and turned back to his soup.
“If she is such a good friend,” Grace whispered, “why do we not attempt to find her a husband? Every young lady needs one eventually.”
“She does not wish to marry just yet,” Roger answered.
“But she does look very pretty sitting next to Mr. Clayton and talking as she is. I know he has his heart set on my sister, but…” she let her words fall away, replacing them with a simple shrug.
Victoria looked pretty no matter who was sitting next to her or whether she was talking, being silent, or scolding him. Roger applied himself to eating his soup and attempted to keep his eyes from too often wandering down to where his friend sat.
[From His Darling Friend, A Touches of Austen Novella]
Published to YouTube by elementoffun on January 4, 2010.
Roger is just about to start listening to his heart in our Sweet Tuesday story, so I thought this would be a good song for this week. The video is a bit fuzzy, but I found it enjoyable anyway.
In writing news, I am continuing to work on Loving Lydia and His Darling Friend. I got a chapter of each written this past week. So, I am still one chapter behind where I would like to be with Lydia’s story, but both stories are progressing well. 🙂
I also finished the first chapter in the new story I mentioned in last Monday’s post. I also gave the story a name, which I will keep under wraps until I have an excerpt to share from it, and I changed my mind about who the hero will be. 🙂 So progress, even if it is not in the form of written words, is being made on that story, and I am feeling excited to get elbow deep in it. I’ve only spent about 2000 words or so with Kitty, but I’m really liking her.
If you saw my Friday Feature post, I also finally got that bundle of books I have been talking about published in Kindle Unlimited, where it will be until June. Because I intend to rotate some titles through Kindle Unlimited, I have also created a page on my website which will list them and have links to their Kindle sales pages. You can find that page by clicking on the drop-down arrow on the Leenie B Books item in the menu or here.
My newest book baby, Tom: To Secure His Legacy is doing well so far. He has out-earned the other books in the series when I compare their first month numbers and that is excellent even if that number is not a large one. I am delighted to see progress. 🙂 Thank you to all who have read or purchased that story. Your support of my writing is so appreciated. It’s still hard to believe after four years of publishing (as of yesterday) that I get to play games with my imaginary friends 😀 and share those stories with you. (I dreamed about being an author when I was young, but to have actually accomplished it is a wonderful feeling of being blessed. 🙂 )
Well, I do not have any new work in progress words to share with you today, so I am once again going to share an excerpt from an already published book. This book is in the bundle I just put in Kindle Unlimited and goes with the song/theme of following one’s heart.