Tomorrow is the first day of school for me and my sons for the 2015-2016 school year. I will be teaching one of my poor sons this year while the other starts his first year in college. So, in honour of the beginning of the new year, I decided to share a school-related music video. This one is a throwback to the old days when I was a kid — I remember seeing Schoolhouse Rock commercials every Saturday morning during cartoons, and I loved them! I chose a grammar song since this is a blog about writing. 🙂 Hope you enjoy it!
Tag: Music Monday
Music Monday: Stjepan Hauser – Vocalise (Rachmaninov)
I thought I would share this classical piece of music. It is the newest addition to my “Music to Write By (instrumental)” list.
“Stjepan Hauser – Vocalise (Rachmaninov).” YouTube. Posted by Stjepan Hauser, August 29, 2015.
Music Monday: Thinking Out Loud / I’m Not The Only One MASHUP
A friend had this video posted on Facebook last week, and I thought it was just so beautiful that I had to share it here.
I love this phrase in the song,
“People fall in love in mysterious ways,”
or as Mr. Darcy says it in Pride and Prejudice,
“I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun.”
which also made me think of Anne in Listen to Your Heart
“I know I have loved you all my life, but it was not until…well…I am not sure where it changed from the love one has for a cousin to the love one has for a man.”
The truth of the phrase is not confined to lyrics and stories. If I think of my husband and ask myself the following questions
- Why do I love you?
- How do I love you?
- When did I begin loving you?
There would be no simple answer because
“People fall in love in mysterious ways.”
A truth which makes writing about characters falling in love and fighting for that love so much fun!
“Thinking Out Loud / I’m Not The Only One MASHUP (Sam Tsui & Casey Breves).” YouTube. Posted by TheSamTsui on January 19, 2015.
Music Monday: Falling by Keri Noble
I enjoy when someone takes a beautiful song and combines it with a beautiful story (like in this video). The sentiments in the song, Falling, seem to ring true to the story line of North and South. Both Mr. Thornton and Miss Hale seem lost as to what is happening between them. Mr. Thornton admits to it first and eventually, Miss Hale comes around to his way of thinking–she is as incomplete without him as he is without her because they have fallen in love.
“North and South – Falling.” YouTube.Video created and posted by Danielle Hernandez March 30, 2008.
Music Monday: In My Veins, Andrew Belle
This week I have been writing some rather sad moments, and a song that Youtube happened to recommend to me, really captured the feeling I wished to convey in my writing. The song is outside my regular listening genres, but then again, writing sad, angsty moments is pushing me outside my regular writing boundaries as well. So, let me share both the song and a small snippet of what I was writing.
“In My Veins – Period Dramas.” YouTube. Video created and posted by PiepMiau04, November 7, 2011.
Excerpt from Through Every Storm:
“Oh, yes!” she shouted. “It matters now because you know of the children and because your business would suffer!”
Her fists were clenched at her sides, and his stomach roiled at the look of disgust on her face. Desperation clawed at his heart. He was failing. He had failed. That which mattered most to him was about to push him out of her life, and he had no idea how to stop her. He could hold her─force her to remain, but she would only be there in body. He saw her turning from him and grabbed her arm. “Lydia, please. It is not like that.”
Continue reading Music Monday: In My Veins, Andrew Belle