Music Monday: Fall into Me (Emerson Drive)


I thought it might be time to delve once again into my Spotify “My Kinda Country” playlist. I mean, it has been at least a month since I last shared a country song with you. Emerson Drive is a Canadian group, and I like a lot of their music. A. Lot. (I know I have shared some of their music before, and I will probably share some in the future, too. 😉 )

When I was scrolling and listening in search of a song to pair with Mary: To Protect Her Heart, it was the title of this song that first grabbed my attention because Mary needs to learn to trust Gabe. (And then, the first few lyrics of this song… perfection.)

Growing up with the admiral was not pretty and has coloured Mary’s view of men. And, to be honest, her choice of friends up until now has not helped her with that view of men. However, Gabe it the complete opposite of the admiral and her friends, which Mary has come to know and appreciate.

The chapter below is the one where Mary finally realizes that she trusts Gabe, and it contains Gabe’s promise to her at the end that he’ll never let her “take on water.” (He was a privateer so taking on water is a significant thing to him.)

One more thing before you jump into this chapter, Mary: To Protect Her Heart is free until 11:59 PM PST today, Monday, March 30, 2020. So, if you don’t have this book yet, now is the time to get it. I’ve also got the first two books in this series (Henry: To Prove Himself Worthy and Charles: To Discover His Purpose) marked down to $0.99 until today as well.

Mary: To Protect Her Heart, Chapter 8

“You look lovely,” Gabe whispered as he and Mary approached the theatre’s entrance. “All will be well.”

He had been telling her that for the past two days – ever since Henry’s invitation to join him at the theatre had arrived during one of Gabe’s daily calls on Mary. The calls were not all made during regular calling hours. Gabe’s schedule did not always afford such luxuries, but Mary was happy to see him at any time of the day. Today, she had not seen him until now, and she had missed having him sit in the chair near the hearth, telling her about his day and inquiring after hers.

“Did you get the lace you needed?” he asked as they entered the building.

“No, Margaret and I were otherwise occupied today with a bit of knitting that the cat unravelled. We will get it tomorrow.”

“I will be unable to call tomorrow. There is still a matter to argue about concerning the new letter of marque, and then I am engaged with another matter after that.” He pulled her closer to his side as they reached the top of the stairs leading to the saloon where the private boxes were. “I will miss you.”

Continue reading Music Monday: Fall into Me (Emerson Drive)

All the good stuff: cover reveal, free books, $0.99 books…

I hope this email finds you safe and well. Below you will find information about what I got done in my writing life this week and links to two books that are on sale and two books (one that is mine and one that is a friend’s) which are free this weekend. Oh! And there is also a first look at the cover for Cherishing Kitty.

Writing News

I pushed myself to complete a long list of items this week, and as soon as I get this blog post and my weekly email written and scheduled, every item on my to-do list will be done! I’m a little excited about that, and I must admit that my brain is tired! 🙂 

Here’s an update on my writing projects with a short excerpt from a couple of them. 

His Irreplaceable Belle: I am up to chapter 14, and I am not sharing a clip from this as no matter what I choose, it will be a spoiler. Sorry. You’re going to have to wait to find out what happens in this chapter.

Continue reading All the good stuff: cover reveal, free books, $0.99 books…

Music Monday: Arwen’s Vigil, Original Tune (The Piano Guys)

…Grace sat up. Her heart was racing. “Why? What has happened? Tell me what has happened.”

Mrs. Love wrung her hands together – which Grace noticed were not gloved. Her mother never left her house without a pair of gloves on her hands. Something was most certainly wrong…

[from Her Secret Beau, Touches of Austen book 3]

Published to YouTube by ThePianoGuys on November 12, 2013.

I’m going to leave these here just in case anyone needs one or two of them this week when reading story updates. We’ve come to that part of each story. The good news is that it’s always darkest before the dawn — so the happy ending is coming… soon… ish. 😉

That is also why I picked a song with a melancholy tone for this week. It seems to fit the feel of the stories.

Now, for my writing news, which isn’t all that much this week. That does not mean I did not write A LOT this past week. I did. It just all happened to be for the same story.  Continue reading Music Monday: Arwen’s Vigil, Original Tune (The Piano Guys)

Music Monday: Feels Like Home (Emma 2009)

Welcome to a new week. This week, the blog will be sparse as I took a couple of days off last week and will be taking a few more this week so that I can go do some fun stuff with my husband before he heads back to work.

Published to YouTube by LadySweet321 on November 6, 2011

That being said, I did get a few workdays in between the fun days. 🙂  Continue reading Music Monday: Feels Like Home (Emma 2009)

Music Monday: Ode to Joy to the World (The Piano Guys)

Merry Christmas!

Published to YouTube by ThePianoGuys on November 16, 2017.

I thought we should start this day before Christmas with a rousing, joyous song, and this arrangement of Ode to Joy and Joy to the World certainly fit that description! So click play and let your spirits be lifted as you read my writing news and enjoy a small excerpt from Tom’s story.


Frosted Windowpanes concludes this Thursday. I published this novelette along with two others last Thursday. (One is a Pride and Prejudice Variation and the second is a Sense and Sensibility Variation) This bundle of stories was also given out to my mailing list subscribers. If you wish to subscribe and get this collection of three novelettes as a gift, you can do that here:

Click the picture to be taken to the form to subscribe.

This mailing list offer is only good for another week. So if you’re a mailing list sort of person, sign up soon. If, however, you are not a mailing list sort of person and would prefer to purchase the book, you can do that here:

Here’s a little bonus info thing for the curious (like me 😉 ):

Wondering how long a novelette is? This handy chart can help. I got this one from Wikipedia. I use a slightly modified version of these numbers for classification purposes.

I know that for one Romance Writers of America award (I think it is the RITA contest), they use 20,000 to 40,000 as the word count range for a novella. Therefore, since I write romance novellas, I use the RWA numbers for novellas, which means a novelette for me goes up to 19,999 words. The novelettes in my Nature's Fury and Delights book are between about 9,200 and 11,675 words.  :)

I think it is important to note that classifications can vary by genre. (The above chart is not a romance genre chart.) There is no one set guideline. I just thought you might like to know how  I am classifying my stories. :)

And one more thing I must include here before returning you to your regularly scheduled Music Monday post: Neither word count nor page count defines a good story -- story structure does that. ;) But that's a whole other discussion (and a topic I love discussing).

Ok, now back to my writing news:

Next Thursday, Loving Lydia will begin.  I have written three Thursday posts of Loving Lydia so far, and hope to get another one written this week so that I am a month ahead of what is posting.

I have received the final edits for Delighting Mrs. Bennet back from my proofreader and will be starting on those this week. I hope to have the preorder set up for this book by next Monday — However, it is the holiday season so my plans may not go as scheduled. I’ll let you know next Monday. I still expect to have this book published on January 10, 2019.

My writing time was very limited this past week due to the book coming out on Thursday and Christmas preparations. However, I did manage to complete two chapters of Tom’s story. (I began one of those chapters last week, so really I only wrote one and two-thirds chapters. 🙂 ) I’m hoping to get at least that much written this week, but again, all story production plans are subject to change this week. [I will begin posting this on Patreon after the holidays are over.]

While working on Tom’s story this week, I discovered that dictation is a great way for me to do story brainstorming. There is something that happens when I talk out loud to myself that helps the ideas come together and start to connect better than any other method I have used previously. It was kind of exciting to see. I had noticed that using dictation when brainstorming for Lydia’s story had seemed to help, but I wasn’t sure if it was a fluke or not. It appears it is not. I think my brain works best this way. (And figuring out how my brain works best is exciting stuff to me.)

And now for…

AN EXCERPT FROM Tom: To Secure His Legacy(This is the first look at our heroine) Continue reading Music Monday: Ode to Joy to the World (The Piano Guys)