Never Mind (Frederick Morgan)

“Never Mind”, from a Pears Annual, 1884, Frederick Morgan (1856-1927), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

I saw this picture and thought of two little girls who end up becoming the responsibility of their uncle in Sketches and Secrets of Summer. Maggie is the oldest and five. Rose is the youngest and three. Rose is also the more cautious of the pair, while Maggie is a good bit more independent.

Both of them adore Miss Bennet (aka Mary), and so does their uncle, though he hasn’t figured that out by the time they make this call at Pemberley in the story.

Continue reading Never Mind (Frederick Morgan)

A Summer Shower (Charles Edward Perugini)

Three young women standing under a tree to stay out of the rain.
FER96213 A Summer Shower, 1888 (oil on canvas) by Perugini, Charles Edward (1839-1918); 115.6×76.5 cm; Ferens Art Gallery, Hull Museums, UK; English, out of copyright. via Charles Edward Perugini, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

When I was scrolling through pictures on Wikimedia today, I came across this one and my mind immediately went to the scene below for Morning Mist — even if in that scene there are only two young ladies standing under a tree during a rain shower. 🙂

Morning Mist is one of my Nature’s Fury and Delights novelettes. This one, as you will see, is a variation on Sense and Sensibility. In this short, six-chapter variation, which tells how Marianne falls in love with the colonel, Marianne meets Colonel Brandon before she meets Mr. Willoughby, and she meets him in just the sort of setting to make her imagine him as a brave and noble knight. So, by the time she and her younger sister Margaret meet Mr. Willoughby, the colonel has already taken up a place of admiration in Marianne’s mind.

Continue reading A Summer Shower (Charles Edward Perugini)

Cottage at Le Pouldu (Władysław Ślewiński)

Cottage at Le Pouldu, ca. 1892. Władysław Ślewiński, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Her Convenient Forever is on sale this month, so I thought that today, I’d share an image that goes along with an excerpt from that book.

If you’ve read the first three books of my Touches of Austen series, you will have met Felicity Love, and you probably really don’t like her. She’s not nice in those stories. I did a good job of making her unlikable if I do say so myself. And then, while writing book three, I knew that I was going to have to write a story for her. I didn’t really want to. I knew it wouldn’t be easy to make her likeable. But it simply had to be done.

Her Convenient Forever is that story.

It is set near the sea in Kent where Mr. And Mrs. Love have rented a cottage for the summer and where Felicity is coming to terms with the mess she has made of her life through selfish living. In fact, the opening chapter shows her in the very deepest kind of despair. This somewhat lengthy excerpt is from that first chapter.

Continue reading Cottage at Le Pouldu (Władysław Ślewiński)

The June 2023 Saturday Broadsheet

This month’s Saturday Broadsheet, with all my writing life updates, is now available at the link below.

In this issue of the Broadsheet you will find:

  • an update on my current writing projects (I have a first draft of something done!)
  • which books have been put on limited time promotions (It’s two free books and one $0.99 book this time.)
  • an upcoming opportunity to read and review a previously published book via Booksprout
  • a series highlight
  • and a Persuasion meets Sense and Sensibility vignette

Have a great weekend!

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Sweet Solitude (Edmund Blair Leighton)

Sweet Solitude. Edmund Leighton, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

When I saw this painting I thought of the heroine in His Beautiful Bea. She likes quiet escapes and books. So, I chose an excerpt from that book to share today, but it’s not from her perspective. It’s from the hero’s point of view.

This is the hero:

For those who don’t know:

His Beautiful Bea is book 1 in my Touches of Austen series of original sweet Regency romances with deliberate nods to Jane’s novels. This book pairs long-time friends and neighbors as the romantic interests. The heroine lost her father in the war, and his friend, the hero’s father, has promised to care for the heroine’s family.

Those sound like they could be things that nod to possibly Sense and Sensibility or Emma, but in fact, when I wrote this story, the nods I had in mind were to Mansfield Park. After all, our quiet and bookish heroine is infatuated with the younger son of her neighbour’s two sons, but he doesn’t see her as anything other than a friend. Does that sound a bit like a Fanny/Edmund situation?

There are other nods as well, but as you can see from the details that I have given, this is not a retelling or a variation. This story, while inspired by various bits of Austen stories, is completely original — characters, setting, and plot.

Continue reading Sweet Solitude (Edmund Blair Leighton)