Today, I am pairing this song with a story where I would say the heroine has a very innocent heart. It is a heart that is not looking in the right place for its forever love, but the guy sitting next to her and attempting to help her catch the attention of her crush and his brother will make certain by the end of the story that her heart finds its true home.
The story I am talking about is His Beautiful Bea, which is the first book in my Touches of Austen series, and the innocent heart belongs to Beatrice Tierney.
Important note: This book is currently on sale for $0.99 but ONLY until today. At some point tomorrow, that price will be going up!
If you have been reading my Sweet Tuesday stories, I think you will recognize a name or two in this chapter.
His Beautiful Bea, Chapter 2
Touches of Austen Book 1
“You are a fair sight to see,” Max said later that afternoon as he plopped down next to his sister on a couch in Stratsbury’s drawing room. He flicked her book. “You’ve not finished it yet?” he queried. “I half expected you to be ready to peruse the library before we leave today, but you have more than half the book left to read.”
Bea smiled at her brother. He was not a great reader. He preferred being out of doors and doing things to sitting and reading.
“I promise I shall not disappoint you,” she replied. “I have completed my book of poetry and would like to replace it. Sir Herbert has already promised me that I might. Will you help me choose a new book?”
Max shook his head and laughed. “Not likely. My knowledge of poetry is limited.” He stretched out his arms, resting them on the back of the sofa with one wrapped around her shoulders. “I know a few poets and poems, but not a vast array. You would be better to ask Everett or even Graeme. They would know more.”
“Then if I require assistance, my dear brother, I will ask one of them and not you.”
This is one of the songs on my Music to Write By playlist. It’s really pretty and has a wistful romantic air to it. It’s definitely just the right sort of music to get the writing mind working. I have decided to pair it today with this scene from His Darling Friend because Roger shares a sweet little remembrance about Victoria and a frog. Do you remember it from when it was the Sweet Tuesday story last year?
AN EXCERPT FROM His Darling Friend (Chapter 7):
“We will start from the top of the table, of course, with Amelia.” Mrs. Abernathy waited for her daughter to join her where she stood near the door to the drawing room in which all the houseguests were gathered to wait for dinner.
“Shall we see who it is who will dine with you?”
Miss Abernathy said an eager yes as her mother shook a bowl containing several small pieces of paper. She swirled her hand inside the bowl and pulled out a name. “Oh! How delightful! Mr. Carlyle.”
The gentleman straightened his jacket, crossed the room, and offered his arm to Miss Abernathy, whose waited only until her daughter and Mr. Carlyle had left the room before looking around and calling Victoria forward.
Of all the inane ideas! Roger crossed his arms and leaned against the wall near the window. The woman was obviously assigning gentleman dinner partners at random, but she was proceeding through the ladies based on status. Victoria was well-dowered. It was not something she published nor was it a fact she kept secret. He glowered at two gentlemen who had started whispering when Victoria’s name was called. He did not like it. His friend did not need any fortune hunters scampering after her.
“Mr. Clayton,” Mrs. Abernathy said.
Roger blew out a breath. It could be worse. She could have been stuck with Carlyle or one of those whispering gents.
Lady after lady was summoned forward and gentleman after gentleman was assigned as a partner.
“Is this not the best?” Grace said as she took Roger’s arm. “It is such a surprise! I do like surprises.”
“I do not,” Roger replied.
Grace giggled. “I will admit I had hoped I would be assigned someone different.”
“I hear Ainsley has a chit waiting for him at home,” Roger whispered.
Grace’s smile slid into a frown. “Does he indeed?”
“I have not asked him, of course, but that is what I have heard. We should proceed with caution.”
“An assembly?” Clara questioned as if uncertain that such a thing was a good idea.
“It will be two years next month,” Mr. Watson said softly. “I think it is time.”
Clara drew and released a small breath. “You are likely correct.”
Her eyes dropped to study her hands. It was the first time since meeting her that Thomas had seen Mrs. Clara Watson look anything less than assured of herself.
[From Apple Blossoms, an original sweet Regency romance short story, and the current Sweet Tuesdays story]
Published to YouTube by Edelweiss on December 31, 2017.
Happy Victoria Day!
I just could not let this day pass without a holiday-appropriate music video, 🙂 and I think the bittersweet tone of the song goes with the above snippet from Apple Blossoms, as well as the tone of tomorrows story excerpt.
Now, I do not have an excerpt from any new story to share in today’s post because I am ‘between stories,’ but I will share a bit from a previously published story. However, that will come after I update you on my writing news.
If you saw the Friday Feature post last week, you will know that I have several books on sale from now until May 27, 2019. You can find the details about that sale here.
Thomas Prescott heard the small child’s squeal of delight before he rounded the bend in the path and saw her, a small bundle of excitement, dancing with her hands in the air attempting to catch the white petals falling from the apple tree above.
Thomas stopped where he was. He would eventually have to continue on his way, but he did not wish to disturb the child’s fun just yet. He would let her twirl and giggle for a few moments longer before intruding on her play.
“More, Mama!” the child pleaded when the shower of petals slowed.
“One last shake,” the lady, who must be the child’s mother, said from her perch on a bench beneath the apple tree. “But we must save some flowers so that we can make apple pies for Christmas.” Rising up on her toes, she grasped a branch and gave it a gentle shake. The flurry of white petals caused by the action was met with clapping hands, bouncing curls, and happy laughter.
[From Apple Blossoms, an original sweet Regency romance short story, and the Sweet Tuesdays story for the next four weeks]
Provided to YouTube by CDBaby, October 19, 2015.
The excerpt above is how the new Sweet Tuesdays story, Apple Blossoms, begins — with Mr. Prescott, a bachelor, meeting his new neighbours, Miss Abigail Watson and her mother the widow Watson. This short story will be shared in four parts, starting tomorrow.
Apple Blossoms is a short story of about six thousand words. It has a complete story arc (beginning, middle, end sort of thing). It has characters that are developed, and the main character does grow (learns something new to him). There is a desire that the main character has, as well as obstacles (of his own creation) to overcome. In other words, it is a complete story.
However, because of the short length, the plot of a short story has to be kept tight so there are no side plots, and the number of characters is limited as is the time frame and the number of problems. It should be a sweet little tidbit which will (hopefully) leave you with a smile and a sigh. I hope you will join me for this story starting tomorrow.
Apple Blossoms will be one of the stories eventually included in my next Nature’s Fury and Delights collection whenever I get the rest of the stories written. 😀 I have really fallen down on that goal for this year. I have an inspirational image selected for the next story for the collection, but that is as far as I have gotten with that project. There have just been so many other things needing attention.