BTS: How I upload a story to Patreon collections

Sorry this one is getting posted a bit late today (in the afternoon rather than the morning for me). I managed to pick up a head cold somewhere and so took a couple of sick days. I’m still sick, but I can think a bit better today and my eyes aren’t watering too badly so I can wear my glasses and see. 🙂 And that meant I could get this video sorted out and posted so I could share it here. (Thankfully, I had recorded this before I got sick!)

Here’s what it’s about:

In this What’s Up Wednesday installment, I’m showing you the process I use to upload a book to the Collections section of my Patreon page.


In the process of getting this video ready to share, I learned a new editing skill. (yay!) You’ll hear me apologize for background sounds that I knew my mic was going to pick up in the background. And did it ever pick them up. (I need a better mic)

I thought that this video was going to be a lost cause. That I was going to have to just scrap it and start over. But then, I searched YouTube for how to remove background noises in videos, and while I did not find one that told me to use the software I had, the steps were the same. Here’s what I did:

  1. I opened the video in Clipchamp and detached the audio.
  2. I downloaded the audio from there and then, uploaded it to the voice isolator on Elevenlabs (that’s the software I use to create my audiobooks).
  3. I clicked the isolate button. Waited. And then downloaded the new file.
  4. Then, I just uploaded the new audio file to Clipchamp and replaced the old audio with one that didn’t have the annoying humming and all that in the background.

This is an exciting new skill for me since I don’t have a door on my “office” and my mic is not super great, so there are frequent sounds going on around me and being picked up by the mic. So, this is one step towards better videos (or so I hope.) 🙂

Anyway… I hope you enjoy this look behind the scenes at one task from my author life.



This video is long — just over 27 minutes! There are links to various portions (chapters) of the video in the description on YouTube if you want timestamps to jump between.

BTS: A peek at creating an AI Narrated Audiobook

How curious are you? Would you like to see just a few minutes of what sort of work goes into making a digitally narrated audiobook?

That’s what I’m sharing today in this video.

Currently, I’m working on getting Waking to Mr. Darcy ready to share on YouTube (and to list on Kobo), so I thought it was a great time to let you see behind the curtain and get a peek at the time and effort that I put into creating audiobooks, vignettes, and digitally narrated blog posts. (The process of editing is the same for them all. 🙂 )

I hope you enjoy this look into #mywritinglife.

Leenie Ann

Don’t Judge a Book by Its Page Count

I had some book mail arrive this week, and it gave me this lovely visual to illustrate how the page count and thickness of a book doesn’t always indicate how long the actual story is when compared to the book next to it. I get into the details in this video. I also share how I’m guilty of judging a book by its page count.


I mention my fledgling Etsy store in this video. You can find that at this link:

It still only has one book in it. I’d love to know if there are any books that you think I should put at the top of my “add to Etsy store” list.

And as always, you can find all my books and current book promotions on my website,

Where am I?

An impromptu #writinglife update from one of my favourite places

What’s a girl to do when she’s enjoying a lovely interlude in the park?

Why, film a writing life update so she can share a little bit of her life with you. 🙂 I did not have a mic with me, and since it was windy and the highway is not far away (and it was coming up on rush hour), there is some background noise to contend with. (Not to mention I’m looking a little windblown. Haha!)

Oh! And I did get the date wrong for the multi-author promotion. It’s next Friday, June 28th, and I discovered this morning that we’re almost at 60 participants. There’ll be lots to choose from!

I hope you enjoy this little peek at one of my favourite places!

(The video is just under 10 minutes long.)