Music Monday: A Love Story (Brian Crain)

As the last note faded, the room remained solemnly silent for three heartbeats before Edward stood and began applauding. Others soon followed his example.

Hazel graced him with a dazzling smile and made her way back to her seat.

“Magnificent,” Edward said as Hazel once again took her seat. “You were correct, Parkes,” he said to Harold. “I enjoyed that thoroughly.”

“There is not another with her talent,” boasted Harold.

“I would readily agree.” Edward enjoyed how Hazel’s cheeks grew rosy and how she attempted to hide a pleased smile.

There were yet three unfortunate ladies to sing. They were unfortunate because they had to follow Hazel’s performance, and Edward was certain there was not another lady in all of England, whether on stage or beside a hearth, who could have followed Hazel and not suffered for it.

He attempted to pay attention to each performance and greet its ending with enthusiasm, but he could not.

He had been to many such soirees as this at his grandmother’s request. At each one, he would smile and bow as required. He would congratulate and commend young ladies to earn a giggle or a blush. And each time he would return home to give a report to his grandmother about the number in attendance and which lady had piqued his interest. It was normally some young debutante that had seemed the prettiest and most amusing, but never had one of them caused him to feel so distracted as the lady beside him. It was a most unusual but not wholly unpleasant feeling – unsettling, perhaps, disquieting, most assuredly, but not distressing. In fact, it was in a way, extremely alluring.

[From “Reclaiming Her Heart”, a Short Story Sequel to Enticing Miss Darcy]
Uploaded to YouTube by Brian Crain on October 15, 2013.

The above excerpt follows a few paragraphs that speak of how Hazel Parkes is singing a sad song that relates to her love story up to this point in her life. If you’re wondering who Edward is, he is Lord Matlock’s third son and the cousin who told Anne about ladies being allowed at Angelo’s (that was in Becoming Entangled). Hazel’s happy ending is included at the end of Enticing Miss Darcy.

I’m sure you can see the connection between the excerpt from “Reclaiming Her Heart” and the video, but the actual reason why I chose this piece of music to share today is that I have listened to it often.

Music, such as the piece above, is what I use to switch my brain from busy and stressed by so many things to a calmer state conducive to writing. 🙂 (This will not be new news to those who have read my Monday posts.) Brian Crain’s music is among my favourites for this switch over during very busy, stressful times — such as a week when I have a book release, I’m just settling into homeschooling, and I’m struggling to complete all the challenges I have laid out for myself in my new writing schedule for 2019. In other words, I turned to Brian Crain’s music many times this week. (I also listened to another favourite for this Peder B Helland a lot this week.)

So, what was I working on this past week?

Apple Blossoms (A Nature’s Fury and Delights Short Story/Novelette): This is an original sweet Regency romance which should be somewhere around 10,000 words when I am done.  This week I dictated about 1500 words and several planning notes. I am amazed at how well dictation works for helping me figure out plot things. I could walk around my house talking or type out notes or cover sticky notes with ideas and it would not get me to where I want to be as quickly as talking to my computer and watching those words flow onto the page does. It’s strange but in an awesome way.

Roger’s Story (A Touches of Austen Story): I’ve managed to complete the first chapter. This week, I plan on scheduling that chapter to post on the blog in February. Then, I will attempt to get the second chapter written. Maybe I will even come up with a title so I can put that on the post I hope to schedule. Finger’s crossed on that – maybe I just need to talk it out with my computer. 🙂

Loving Lydia (The current Thursday’s Three Hundred Story): Another chapter has been scheduled on the blog, and one was written to be scheduled when I work on that story this Thursday. I reread/edit the previous week’s words before writing the new section of words. I’m certain I am biased, but the chapter I wrote this past Thursday was the cutest Lady Catherine puts up a stink scene! (Thanks, of course, to Dash.) It will be February before you get to read it. I am attempting to keep a few weeks ahead.

Tom: To Protect His Legacy (Other Pens, Mansfield Park, book 4): I started posting this one on Patreon this week. There are two chapters there for my patrons to read. I have made the first chapter of that story free to read by anyone who wants to read it over there. Writing wise, I only managed to write two chapters for that story this week. My goal was three so that’s why I say only two chapters. 🙂 I’m still hopeful that I will get this book done and published by the end of February, but I’m also thinking that, realistically, it might end up being early March.

Other things that got written: I have an Austen Author’s post tomorrow, January 15, 2019, and there will be a Friday Feature here on the blog this week. I dusted off an Austen Author’s post for that, and the book featured will be on sale everywhere for the weekend.

I think that’s it. 😀 Yes, I was exhausted by the end of the week, but it was a good “I feel accomplished” exhausted (even if it did sound a bit cranky around here by Saturday LOL). Of course, part of that tiredness on Saturday was due to staying up too late to reread a book I found when attempting to organize the Kindle app on my tablet.

And here is a peek at a few of the words I wrote this past week. This excerpt is from Tom: To Secure His Legacy: Continue reading Music Monday: A Love Story (Brian Crain)

Music Monday: Let it Go/Vivaldi’s Winter (The Piano Guys)

Happy New Year’s Eve!

It’s hard to believe that another year has come and gone. Today, I’m going to take a little look back at 2018 as we “Let Her Go.” ( 🙂 I do love a good pun!)

Published to YouTube by The Piano Guys on February 19, 2014

It was a busy year!

Let’s begin by looking at the Class of 2018 books. 🙂 I have included the month in which they were published for those who might be curious about that sort of detail.

To go with this peek at the Class of 2018, I have created a quick three-question survey.  I would love it if you would take a minute and answer these questions. I’ll post the results of the survey next week.

Create your own user feedback survey

Recently published does not equal 2018 bestseller. The bestsellers for the year are on this graphic. Some of the new releases made the cut, but not all.

Here’s another interesting statistic from the year:

At the time of my writing this post on Saturday, December 29, 2018, my yearly word count total is

327,242 words

But…there is still today, and I am hoping to find time to write a little bit. I did not finish the fourth installment of Loving Lydia on Friday. I only got part way through it before I had to stop for the night. It needs to be done.

Speaking of Loving Lydia, it will be the first Thursday blog story of the year, and it starts posting this Thursday!

In that same vein of thought, you might like to know that Delighting Mrs. Bennet, which is the book that comes right before Loving Lydia in the Marrying Elizabeth series, is scheduled to be published NEXT Thursday, January 10, 2019, and will be the first book published in 2019. Preorder details should be arriving soon, I hope. (I still need to work on a few things for this.)

I am still working on Tom: To Secure His Legacy. This book will be the first book posted on Patreon for 2019 and hopefully, will be the second book published. (Fingers crossed — well, yours not mine. Typing is too difficult when you cross your fingers. LOL)

I have some other plans that I am trying to get nailed down better as this year ends and a new one begins. Hopefully, I will be able to share some of those plans with you in next Monday’s post.

For now, I will leave you with a small excerpt from Tom’s story (which I did not get to write on very much this week due to holidays and my husband being off work).

THE LAST STORY EXCERPT FOR 2018, from Tom: To Secure His Legacy Continue reading Music Monday: Let it Go/Vivaldi’s Winter (The Piano Guys)

Music Monday: Ode to Joy to the World (The Piano Guys)

Merry Christmas!

Published to YouTube by ThePianoGuys on November 16, 2017.

I thought we should start this day before Christmas with a rousing, joyous song, and this arrangement of Ode to Joy and Joy to the World certainly fit that description! So click play and let your spirits be lifted as you read my writing news and enjoy a small excerpt from Tom’s story.


Frosted Windowpanes concludes this Thursday. I published this novelette along with two others last Thursday. (One is a Pride and Prejudice Variation and the second is a Sense and Sensibility Variation) This bundle of stories was also given out to my mailing list subscribers. If you wish to subscribe and get this collection of three novelettes as a gift, you can do that here:

Click the picture to be taken to the form to subscribe.

This mailing list offer is only good for another week. So if you’re a mailing list sort of person, sign up soon. If, however, you are not a mailing list sort of person and would prefer to purchase the book, you can do that here:

Here’s a little bonus info thing for the curious (like me 😉 ):

Wondering how long a novelette is? This handy chart can help. I got this one from Wikipedia. I use a slightly modified version of these numbers for classification purposes.

I know that for one Romance Writers of America award (I think it is the RITA contest), they use 20,000 to 40,000 as the word count range for a novella. Therefore, since I write romance novellas, I use the RWA numbers for novellas, which means a novelette for me goes up to 19,999 words. The novelettes in my Nature's Fury and Delights book are between about 9,200 and 11,675 words.  :)

I think it is important to note that classifications can vary by genre. (The above chart is not a romance genre chart.) There is no one set guideline. I just thought you might like to know how  I am classifying my stories. :)

And one more thing I must include here before returning you to your regularly scheduled Music Monday post: Neither word count nor page count defines a good story -- story structure does that. ;) But that's a whole other discussion (and a topic I love discussing).

Ok, now back to my writing news:

Next Thursday, Loving Lydia will begin.  I have written three Thursday posts of Loving Lydia so far, and hope to get another one written this week so that I am a month ahead of what is posting.

I have received the final edits for Delighting Mrs. Bennet back from my proofreader and will be starting on those this week. I hope to have the preorder set up for this book by next Monday — However, it is the holiday season so my plans may not go as scheduled. I’ll let you know next Monday. I still expect to have this book published on January 10, 2019.

My writing time was very limited this past week due to the book coming out on Thursday and Christmas preparations. However, I did manage to complete two chapters of Tom’s story. (I began one of those chapters last week, so really I only wrote one and two-thirds chapters. 🙂 ) I’m hoping to get at least that much written this week, but again, all story production plans are subject to change this week. [I will begin posting this on Patreon after the holidays are over.]

While working on Tom’s story this week, I discovered that dictation is a great way for me to do story brainstorming. There is something that happens when I talk out loud to myself that helps the ideas come together and start to connect better than any other method I have used previously. It was kind of exciting to see. I had noticed that using dictation when brainstorming for Lydia’s story had seemed to help, but I wasn’t sure if it was a fluke or not. It appears it is not. I think my brain works best this way. (And figuring out how my brain works best is exciting stuff to me.)

And now for…

AN EXCERPT FROM Tom: To Secure His Legacy(This is the first look at our heroine) Continue reading Music Monday: Ode to Joy to the World (The Piano Guys)

Music Monday: The Woodshed is Full (Dean Brody)

Elizabeth could not agree more. Darcy’s love was the best Christmas gift she could have ever received, and every year, from that one forward, in addition to gifts being exchanged on Christmas morning in the Darcy home, gifts of the heart would be given as well. But these gifts, these special gifts of love, would neither be given nor received on Christmas morning but would always be shared, just as Georgiana’s had been — two days before Christmas.

[The final lines from Two Days Before Christmas]

Published to YouTube by Dean Brody, November 28, 2014.

Traditions. They are often a big part of the end of the year holiday season.

A tradition for me in my writing life, which is going on three years this week, is writing and giving a story to my readers on my email list. The process starts in the early fall as I decide on the story to be written. Then, I usually spend October writing and November editing, so that the book is ready to distribute in December.

This year, I started writing the first of the three novelettes in the book I am giving away in August. I wanted to learn how to write using dictation, so I knew the process would not be fast — and I was right. I wrote in small sections (while getting ready in the mornings). It was interesting how my brain was trying to get used to speaking a story rather than sending it through my fingers to the computer. (I am not sure that it is completely familiar with that process yet) The software also had to get used to my style of writing. (It’s getting better but still needs work.) Needless to say, these three stories needed a LOT of editing for typos and punctuation. 😀 However, it was a great learning experience, and I am going to do it again — after New Year’s.

Anyway… These three stories will be both given away to my mailing list and published to Amazon and on whichever of the other vendors are open and not on holiday hours. 🙂  (Thursday is the planned day if all goes well.)

If you wish to join my mailing list and pick up these stories for free, you can do that from now until the end of 2018.

I will be talking about this book and sharing an excerpt from each of the stories tomorrow, December 18, 2018, on Austen Authors.

Of course, I will also be posting a chapter of Frosted Windowpanes, which is one of the three stories in this collection. I will post the final chapter next week. Just because the book is being distributed this week does NOT mean I will not finish posting that story.

As you can probably guess, I was busy getting last edits done on Nature’s Fury and Delight’s: Thunder, Mist, and Frost this past week, but it was not all I was working on. I also…

sent off Delighting Mrs. Bennet to my final editor and have a tentative publication date set for January 10, 2019.

wrote the second chapter of Loving Lydia and scheduled the first chapter to post on January 3, 2019. 🙂

wrote chapter 3 of Tom: To Secure His Legacy — which means I think I am ready to start sharing a few snippets of that here. However, I cannot promise that I will have something to share each Monday during the holiday season. I think I will, but you know how busy it can be at this time of year. Therefore, I don’t want to make a promise I might not be able to keep. But anyway… Shall we take a peek at a few hundred words from Tom’s story?

AN EXCERPT FROM Tom: To Secure His Legacy(this is from chapter one) Continue reading Music Monday: The Woodshed is Full (Dean Brody)

Music Monday: I’ll Be Home For Christmas (The Carpenters)

“Shhh. Rest quietly.”

The heaviness on his chest lifted, but instead of feeling relieved, he missed the warm, protection of whatever it was. Or whoever it was, he adjusted as a hand cupped his cheek.

“We will be to the dock soon.”

He attempted to open his eyes again, but they still would not allow him to look at the lovely lady who was now stroking his forehead.

“Rest,” Mary cooed.

A drop of something wet splashed on his cheek and was quickly brushed away. Sniffling. She was crying. He forced his eyes to open enough so that he could see her through his lashes. If he could get his arms out from under these blankets, he could touch her, and she would know she had nothing to fear. But he could not do more than lift his hand and place it on his stomach under the blankets.

[from Mary: To Protect Her Heart]

Uploaded to YouTube by christamtime4u on October 21, 2011

Wouldn’t you like to know what is happening in that scene with Mary and Gabe?

Well, today is the day when you can because today is release day for Mary: To Protect Her Heart!

(And remember that this story as well as Charles: To Discover His Purpose, Henry: To Prove Himself Worthy, and His Beautiful Bea are all available to read in Kindle Unlimited.)

It was a busy week getting things ready for the release of Mary’s story mixed in with other things such as going to speak to a class of young writers (grade 4) on Wednesday. It’s always such fun to go into my friend’s class and share my love of writing with such eager learners. I also got to read some of their stories — which were excellent!

The busyness of the week, however, contributed to my not quite getting everything done that I needed to do for Mary’s release. I did not get Advance Reader Copies out until Sunday — Sunday! I don’t usually send emails on the weekend, but this time I had to. I also do not have a print version of the book ready to go at this time. It should be ready by the end of the week.

In other story news,

I have gotten my Nature’s Fury and Delight stories back from my final editor and have started on those corrections. Chapter two of Frosted Windowpanes will post this Thursday.

(Thank you to all who read and to those who commented on last week's post. It is so exciting to me to see people taking a chance on this Austenesque original tale.)

I picked the video above partially because I thought the images really fit with that story being set in the winter around Christmas time — and it is a story about a homecoming. As I explained in my author note last Thursday, this collection of stories was specifically written as a Christmas gift from me to my newsletter subscribers. If you are not a subscriber, you can click the link at the bottom of this post and be added to the list. Anyone who joins the list before the end of December will receive a copy of this book, and I am hoping to be able to give away a lot of copies. 🙂

I finished my first round edits of Delighting Mrs. Bennet and have sent that off to my first reader. Yay! Publication is still slated for the beginning of January.

I wrote the first installment of Loving Lydia, but I did not get any more of Tom’s story written. Therefore, there is no story excerpt this week (again — I’m starting to feel guilty about that 😉 ).

I think I need someone who can look at my writing plate when I am planning and tell me “No, that’s too much. Put one of those stories back” 😀 because it seems when I stacked this plate I definitely filled it too full. 🙂 [But there are just so many tempting story treats to pick up and play with.] Hopefully, by the new year, I will have it whittled down to manageable. And I thank you for your patience during this very scattered period of my life. <3

Until next Monday — have a blessed week!



Leenie B Books