Behind the Scenes: Writing Spaces

Back in September, I took part in an Instagram challenge to post various things daily. Day 10 was to share our writing nook — this is still how it looks for the most part.

In today’s episode of the LLS Society Papers*, Rose, Zoe, and I are going to let you take a peek at our writing spaces, which means I should probably tidy up a bit. 😀 I mean, one always does some cleaning before company comes, right? (Even if that company is only visiting virtually.)

I hope you can join us live, but if you can’t, you can always watch later.

The live stream will begin at 3 PM EST or 4 PM Atlantic.

Books and links mentioned in the show:

Rose’s Links

Stolen Moments with Darcy

Leenie’s Links

His Beautiful Bea (Free until 11:59 PM May 12, 2019)

NEW RELEASE: His Darling Friend

Zoe’s Links

Darcy’s Secret Marriage Large Print Edition

Have a great weekend! Thanks for joining us!

*Longbourn Literary Society (LLS) is a Facebook group founded by three friends, who share a love of writing and Jane Austen for the purpose of promoting those loves and our work.  


You can find Rose and Zoe’s websites at these links:


Secondary Character Inspiration

Chris Hammond (1860-1900) [Public domain] via Wikimedia Commons
Every H/h needs a good wingman — a person who…

has your back (or wishes to stab you in the back),

helps you succeed (or hopes to see you fail so they can trample you once you’re down),

points out your flaws to help you improve (or illustrate your ineptness),

makes you look good (or ensures you look ridiculous).

For good or ill, all stories NEED secondary characters.

But how do we create these important, though not headlining, cast members?

In this episode of the LLS Society Papers*, we’re talking about how we created and used a few of the many secondary characters we have written into stories.

Live Stream will begin at 3 PM EST or 4 PM Atlantic. 🙂

Books and links mentioned in the show:

Rose’s Links
Sufficient Encouragement
Mr. Darcy’s Bluestocking Bride

Leenie’s Links
Henry: To Prove Himself Worthy
Charles: To Discover His Purpose
Music Monday post, containing an intro to Trefor Linton with Charles Edwards as a secondary character

Zoe’s Links
Darcy’s Secret Marriage

Pride & Prejudice & Racecars series
Darcy’s Race to Love
Georgie’s Redemption
Book 3/Friday’s Race to the Weekend blog feature

Have a great weekend! Thanks for joining us!

*Longbourn Literary Society is a Facebook group founded by three friends, who share a love of writing and Jane Austen for the purpose of promoting those loves and our work.  


You can find Rose and Zoe’s websites at these links:


Does life imitate art or art imitate life?

Welcome to the first Longbourn Literary Society (LLS) Society Papers Broadcast post on my blog. (Yes, that is a mouthful, is it not? LOL)

Zoe Burton, Rose Fairbanks, and I have been doing these video chats as Facebook live videos for a year and have just recently moved from Facebook to YouTube so that the videos can be accessed more broadly.

Now, I realize I mentioned that I would share these videos on Sundays here on the blog, but I just had a “brilliant idea” which means this is either going to work or be a dismal failure. LOL

I think that I can share the link to the video early and then if you want to join us live, you can just use it to hop over to YouTube where you can comment, or you can just watch us here. We’ll see. Fingers crossed. And please accept my apologies if it does not work. I will get it sorted out afterward if necessary.

This week, we are discussing how real-life experiences have inspired scenes on the page and reading from some of those scenes as well.

[The broadcast will start at 3 PM EST or 4 PM if you’re in the Atlantic time zone like I am. 😉 ]

Books and links mentioned in the show:

Rose’s Books

Stolen Moments with Darcy

The Secrets of Pemberley

Mr. Darcy’s Compassion

The Gentleman’s Impertinent Daughter

Letters from the Heart

No Cause to Repine

Mr. Darcy’s Kindness

Leenie’s Books

Through Every Storm

Mr. Darcy’s Comfort

So Very Unexpected

Zoe’s Books

I Promise To …

Promises Kept

To Save Elizabeth

Friday’s Race to the Weekend:

Join our Facebook readers community

Longbourn Literary Society:

Subscribe to our channels




Discover more about Leenie, Rose, and Zoe and their books

Leenie: (You’re here already 🙂 )



Have a great weekend! Thanks for joining us!