Hi. My other pen name (Annilee Nelson) is taking part in a 50+ book giveaway day today for Christian romances, and I found a few historicals mixed in with listing and thought some of you might like to pick up a free read.
There are also contemporary genres like suspense, small town, billionaire, cowboy, etc., as well as at least one time travel story.
You can find them all at the link below. Remember that these are Christian romances with varying degrees of faith elements in them.
Today, October 11, 2024, I am taking part in a large multi-author book promotion. How large? Over 180 books large! (And we were only allowed to submit one book per pen name, so that’s over 180 different authors!)
I’ve been previewing the list of books, and there are some that I am eagerly waiting to download (a couple have even been on my wishlist for a while so that’s a really treat!).
So, what can you find here —
books that are offered exclusively on Amazon (AKA Kindle Unlimited books)
books that are offered on a variety of retailers (including Amazon)
small town romances (my book by Annilee Nelson is in this category for anyone who’s interested)
sports romances (Um, there’s a romance in this selection by Ranee S Clark that I know is based on Jane Austen’s Emma, so you know I’m going to be picking that one up… especially since I already read a couple by her based on Sense and Sensibility and enjoyed them)
Christmas and holiday romances (It is the season… or will be really soon 😉 )
historical romances (which is where you’ll find my Leenie book, as well as a book by Jennifer Joy)
And that’s only about half of the categories you’ll find listed on the landing page. Oh, the organizer has done a fantastic job making it easy to find books! Her team has listed if the books are on Amazon or all retailers as well as three tropes that you will find in each book, so you have an idea if you’ll like the book before you even click to the sales page. I can’t imagine how much time and effort it took to get that all sorted out and arranged with links. Whew! Makes me tired just to think about it.
I know; get on with it, Leenie, and give us the link already, right? LOL
This weekend in Canada is Labour Day weekend, just like it is in the US. It’s a three-day weekend (for some) that marks the end of summer because, here in Nova Scotia, school begins after Labour Day.
To celebrate the changing of seasons from carefree summer to scheduled and routined autumn, I have made the first three books in my Marrying Elizabeth series free! They are free all weekend long (until Sept 2)!
And because I had them free, I added them to a multi-author promotion via Bookfunnel — just so there are a few more long weekend read options for you to pick from.
All the books in this promotion are supposed to be sweet and wholesome romances and FREE today and tomorrow. Yes, that’s a day shorter than mine, so don’t delay in checking it out!
You’ll also note that only two of the Marrying Elizabeth books are listed on the landing page at the link above. That’s because there was a max limit of two books that could be submitted. So, after clicking on one of the book on the landing page, just visit the series page on Amazon to see all three free books.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend whether you get it “off” or not!
Happy Reading!
Click the image to be taken to the promotion landing page.
Click the image or the link below to be taken to a page full of sweet, clean and FREE holiday romances.
Hey, all! It’s July 25th. In just five months it will be Christmas! But why wait to treat yourself to some Christmas sweets? I’ve been included in this group of sweet and clean holiday romances that are free TODAY (and maybe tomorrow… check the price before you buy).
For ONE DAY ONLY = June 28, 2024, you can download up to 58… yes, 58!.. free Jane Austen FanFiction books! Just go to this link and then click on the book images to discover where you can download a free copy of that book.
I am sharing this a little early for those of you who live on my side of the international date line. I do know that today is not Friday for us. 🙂 I wasn’t planning to share about this promotion until tomorrow which is when it will be Friday for me.
However, I realized, about half an hour ago because that’s how my brain works, that in Australia, it’s already Friday. So, I’m sending this a little early just to give our fellow readers from the other side of the date line time to load up on books.
** While the books listed are only guaranteed to be free for one day, I know some authors have set them free for a bit longer just to accommodate all the various time zones and to allow for some of us who don’t open emails as quickly as others do. (Yeah, that’s me. I look at email once a day, so if it’s not in my inbox when I look, I’m not seeing it until the next day at the earliest.) So some or many or even all of the books might already be free, and if you find this email a day late, give the books a try. You may still be able to download many of them.
I hope you find some fun reads in this lot of books. Maybe, you’ll even discover a new-to-you author in the process.
Feel free to share this event with your friends, but remember the only guaranteed free day is Friday, June 28, 2024.
Happy Reading!
CLICK HERE to be taken to the promotion page for links to each book.