Assessing Mr. Darcy Pre-order

Assessing Mr. Darcy has started to appear on some vendors for pre-order. Below is the cover image. If you click it, it will show you the vendor options. This link will continue to add vendors as they become available so it should be fairly accurate over time.

I have just a couple of notes for you regarding the pre-order:

First, I had to change the release day from October 25 to October 26 since by the time I got the files all ready to upload to draft2digital, which handles the publishing of this book to several vendors including Apple and Nook, the earliest date available for release on their site was October 26.

Second, I will be sending out a limited number of advance reader copies to my mailing list next week. At the same time or just before this email is sent, I will be making the book available to all my current Patrons on Patreon.

So what is this book about? Here’s the description as it will be found on the back of the book and on the sales page at various retailers:

Will her brother’s opinion keep her from finding true love?

The Bennet ladies are all eager anticipation. Netherfield has been let at last! And joy of all joys, it has been leased to a single young gentleman of good fortune! To Elizabeth’s delight, the new neighbor has not come alone but has brought with him a handsome friend. With any luck, if this gentleman proves to be more than just handsome, it will not only be Jane who finds a husband.

Fitzwilliam Darcy has heard many times over the past weeks about the fabled beauties of Longbourn from his friend who is leasing the estate next door. However, he is not prepared for just how unexaggerated those claims are when he meets two of the ladies from Longbourn and their brother while on a ride.

While Darcy and Elizabeth would like to get to know more about each other, Elizabeth’s brother is not as favourably inclined to the match. He knows a secret, and, unless he can learn to trust that anyone could ever be worthy of his beloved sister, his censure may just be the thing that keeps them apart forever.

Assessing Mr. Darcy is the first novel-length addition to my Dash of Darcy and Companions Collection of Pride and Prejudice inspired stories.

I have shared several excerpts from this book in my Music Monday posts while I was writing it. This link will take you to a search result for Assessing Mr. Darcy on this blog. While most of these will have excerpts, you should be aware that some might just have a mention of the book.


Henry: To Prove Himself Worthy

Today marks the book birthday for Henry: To Prove Himself Worthy — a book that began its journey into existence through an idea left in the comments on a Music Monday post.  Let me tell you a little about the book and then leave you with two links — one where you can read a preview and one to all the stores on which this novella is available for purchase.


This book is about Henry Crawford, the would-be prince charming to Fanny Price’s Cinderella.  Had he had a better upbringing, had he had the fortitude within himself to resist his own vanity, had he been faithful to do what he told Fanny he would, his fate would have been different.  There were so many things that he should have but did not do, and in so not doing, he worked out his own ruin and unhappiness.

In the final chapter of Mansfield Park, Jane Austen has a fairly lengthy passage about how Mr. Crawford came upon his ruin, and that is where she leaves him — in misery. The reader does not know what will become of him beyond him feeling the consequences of his poor choices most greatly.

This is where I have picked up the story. Right there, where Henry is feeling his failure, where he his heartbroken and wretched.  But I have no intention of leaving him in such a state, for you see, in my story, the agony of loss had done its work and begun a transformation, leaving Henry Crawford with a desire to regain something of what he lost in Fanny Price and on a path to achieving his own happily ever after.

However, change is never easy.


A preview of this book is available HERE.

You may purchase this book at your favourite retailer HERE.


He’s failed before, but with her help, this time, he might just succeed.


Music Monday: A Traditional Christmas, Brian Crain

So this week, in addition to writing (short excerpt below), I have been getting things ready for the publication of A Very Mary Christmas (info below).  I figured that while working on a seasonal story, I should be listening to some lovely seasonal piano music, so this playlist has been playing repeatedly in my office.   Continue reading Music Monday: A Traditional Christmas, Brian Crain

Advance Reader Copies of Waking to Mr. Darcy

w2md_cover-1In advance of the September 19, 2016 release day for Waking to Mr. Darcy, I would like to make available 5 Advance Reader Copies of the book to my Blog Followers. These copies can be found at this link:

Get your copy of Waking to Mr. Darcy

and will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis until all 5 copies have been claimed. You may choose from mobi, epub, or pdf format.

There are ABSOLUTELY no strings attached to this freebie; however, a review or a shout out on social media would be appreciated if you wish to give one. BUT it is not a requirement.

And, of course, the book is either now or soon to be available for preorder on …