We are still enjoying some hot temperatures here. It has been a very warm summer for us, but those temps make our Saturday evening beach walks quite enjoyable. This picture is from this past Saturday’s walk. We checked out Conrad’s Beach. This vantage point if looking back to where our car is parked — waaaaaaay over there near the white house. Because this area with it’s sand dunes is a breeding ground for the Piping Plover (a small shorebird), everyone crosses from where they parked on the road across the boardwalk and to the sandy beach beyond. The beach is worth the trek.
My husband starts vacation from one of his jobs next week, so maybe we’ll be able to venture further afield to walk on some beaches that aren’t so close to where we live. That could be fun.
But enough of that. Let’s get on with all the writing, publishing, and book news you have opened this post to find. 🙂
Writing News
The only writing project I have worked on to any extent since my July update has been Her Convenient Forever. I thought it was going to end at chapter fifteen which I hit last week. However, it hasn’t ended yet. 🙂 Therefore, I have not started any serious work on any other writing project.
In editing news, I have gotten my manuscript back for Protecting Miss Darcy and will be starting the final read-through while making corrections this week. I’m still working towards having it ready to publish by September 3.
That reminds me! There was one other thing that I got written since I last posted. I wrote an epilogue for Protecting Miss Darcy / the Marrying Elizabeth series. I’ll schedule that to post this coming Thursday.
Continue reading The Saturday Broadsheet (August 2020)