Author: Leenie Brown
Wordless Wednesday: Ioannis Pane – We Have to Go Back
IoannisPane. “Ioannis Pane – We Have to Go Back (Strings Version).”YouTube. YouTube, 11 Sept. 2015.
Music Monday: The Choices Series
Today, I am resharing this video that I made for my series of Pride and Prejudice Novellas called Choices. This series is now available on Kindle, iBooks, and Nook as a bundle at a very good price. It will be available on Kobo as soon as I hear back on a technical issue I had during the publishing process.
All Leenie b books are available for purchase at the following e-tailers
Wordless Wednesday: Emile-Pierre Metzmacher – Crossing a Brook

“If you turn around, I could take off my boots for a minute.”
He shook his head. “That would be a bad idea.”
She glared at him yet again and began to untie her right boot. She had only gotten it loosened and was beginning to remove it when his hands were on hers, halting her progress.
“If your foot is swollen, you might not get your boot back on.”
“You needn’t growl at me.”
[from So Very Unexpected, Willow Hall book 3]

Music Monday: Hide Away – Period Drama Music Video
Janeaustenbooks. “Hide Away – Period Drama Music Video.” YouTube. YouTube, 19 July 2015.
Finally Mrs. Darcy goes “live” this Wednesday. So, that must mean I am working on something new, right? Absolutely! I am always working on some story.
Right now, I am several thousand words into Waking to Mr. Darcy, and I am going to share the first bit of that first draft with you because it answers the question “Where do the good boys go to hideaway?”
EXCERPT FROM Waking to Mr. Darcy:
“Rude! That is what my sisters are.” Bingley placed another piece of wood none too gently on the pile he and Darcy were making near the fireplace. “They were barely civil to Mrs. Bennet and spoke not word to any of the Misses Bennet, save Miss Elizabeth.” He gave a harsh laugh. “And they only spoke to her when absolutely necessary and with such a superior air!” He stomped out the door, to the wood pile, and back into the cabin. “I have a mind to send them both off with Hurst. Let him deal with them. Not that he would know much of what they were about since he is constantly in his cups.”
Darcy closed the door to the small hunting cabin and shrugged out of his overcoat. “Have you considered that their lack of civility is not fully unwarranted?”
“Out!” Bingley pointed to the door. “I have escaped to this cabin to be rid of such sentiments. You may go spread your vitriol with my sisters. Caroline would be delighted.”
Darcy winced at the thought of spending time with Caroline and grimaced a second time as he realized that his friend was comparing him to that very lady. “Let me explain,” he began.
“I have no desire to hear about the Bennets being of low standing.” Bingley knelt before at the hearth applying himself to the starting of a fire. The November evening air was cool and damp. “Mr. Bennet is a gentleman.” He turned his head to look at Darcy. “A gentleman ─ born that way.”
“He is married to trade.”
Bingley growled something at the tinder and was then silent.
Darcy watched him work for a moment and then satisfied that the fire was about to start, went in search of two cups and a bottle of brandy. “How many days worth of supplies did you have them deliver?”
“Five.” Bingley took the bottle of brandy from Darcy and doubled the amount Darcy had poured for him. “I am not certain how long it will be before I am willing to see my sisters again.” He peered over his cup with raised brows. “The same will be said for you if you continue with your disparagements of the Bennets.” Continue reading Music Monday: Hide Away – Period Drama Music Video