Music Monday: Thunderstruck, 2Cellos

In this week’s Music Monday post, I am sharing a bit about what I did with my writing time this past week as well as a story snippet and a fun video that I think sums up how Elizabeth feels in the excerpt when she figures out exactly where she is.  Enjoy! And have a great Monday!

2Cellos. “2CELLOS – Thunderstruck [OFFICIAL VIDEO].” YouTube. YouTube, 18 Feb. 2014. Web. 05 Feb. 2017.


This week has been a low word count week for writing. There were other things that needed doing.  One of the things that I did was create a new cover for

One of the things that I did was create a new cover forSo Very Unexpected So Very Unexpected.   I had one that I was using as I was writing and editing the book, but I wasn’t completely happy with it. I am much better pleased with this new cover.  At the same time, I also created a cover for At All Costs and for the bundled Willow Hall Romance series.  I have also started working on the print cover for So Very Unexpected as well as getting final file formats started. I should have my last edits back this week and NEXT Tuesday, the book should be published in ebook format with print being ready shortly after.

Part of my writing time this week was devoted to the new story I have started and the other part was given to preparing an Austen Author’s post for next Tuesday. The first draft of that post is ready, but it still needs graphics. And I must decide if I am going to do a giveaway.

One reason I did not get as much story written this week is that I have hit a wall of thinking (which means I must be at least halfway through as that is where this wall usually hits). There are details that need to be considered. So while my brain works on those things, I did some reading and a bit of planning.  Between this and the graphic work for the covers, my brain is feeling nearly ready to tackle those decisions.

STORY EXCERPT: Continue reading Music Monday: Thunderstruck, 2Cellos

Music Monday: The Cello Song, The Piano Guys

What will you find in this week’s Music Monday post? Well, today, I have a musical selection from my Music to Write By playlist, news of a “new” book, and an excerpt (half of what is currently the first chapter) from a just started story. So, click play and while this beautiful song swells, read on to find out more.

ThePianoGuys. “The Cello Song – (Bach Is Back with 7 More Cellos) – The Piano Guys.”YouTube. YouTube, 14 June 2011. Web. 29 Jan. 2017.

New Beginnings: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Anthology

<– This happened this week.  🙂 I have compiled three of my stand-alone books into an anthology of stories focused on the theme of second chances.  Included in this collection are For Peace of MindThrough Every Storm, and Finally Mrs. DarcyNew Beginnings is available both in ebook (at a nearly 50% savings off the individual titles) and paperback. You can find it at this link: New Beginnings

In addition to publishing this anthology, I also began writing a new story this week. The plan is for this story to be a Dash of Darcy story, which means it should be about 20,000 words and will focus on a new way for Darcy and Elizabeth to get together. I have preliminary plot notes and a few thousand words written. I hope to have the first draft completed by the end of February so that this short novella will be available in March — perhaps in time for some March Break (Spring Break) reading! 😉

Here is a longish excerpt from the beginning of this story:

“Fitzwilliam,” Lady Catherine called to Colonel Fitzwilliam as he passed the door to her sitting room.  “Your ride can wait,” she said in answer to the reply she knew was coming. 

Colonel Fitzwilliam sighed and turned in to the room.

“Just Fitzwilliam.”  Lady Catherine looked down her nose and made a brushing motion with her hand indicating that her other nephew, Fitzwilliam Darcy, should leave the room.  “Close the door,” she called after him.  She waited until it was latched, and she heard footsteps moving away from the room.  Then, she took Colonel Fitzwilliam by the arm and pulled him further into the room. 

“Sit.”  She  motioned to a chair in a grouping in front of a window that looked out onto the front garden of the house. 

Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam rolled his eyes and did as instructed.  It was pointless to do otherwise.  Lady Catherine always had her way or there was a price to pay.  It was far cheaper and easier to just listen.  “To what might I ascribe the honor of this private conference?”

Lady Catherine’s eyes narrowed at his cheeky tone, but she did not reprimand him for it.  He was always attempting to stir her ire, but today, she would allow no such distractions.  She stood near the window.  She tilted her head to peer out and around toward the door where Darcy was just exiting.  “It is time he marries,” she said.

“Darcy?”  Richard’s eyes grew wide in surprise. 

She nodded and took a seat across from her nephew.  “Yes, Darcy.  Georgiana is not getting any younger and will need someone besides just her brother to guide her through her first season.”

“But Anne –“

“Not Anne.  They would not suit.” 

“But?” Richard was at a loss for words. His aunt had always insisted that Darcy would marry Anne.  In fact, it was a supposed engagement that had kept Darcy from feeling a need to begin looking in earnest for a lady to help him secure his estate for future generations. 

Lady Catherine picked at a small flower on the arm of her chair.  “He was not ready to begin a family. I had to keep him from rushing forward into his duty somehow.”

Richard’s mouth dropped open and then snapped shut.  There were still no coherent thoughts forming in his mind. What his aunt was currently saying was clashing with what she had always said previously.  Had she not taunted Darcy about doing his duty by marrying Anne? 

She shook her head as if reading his thoughts. “Darcy was never going to marry Anne, and Anne knew it.” 

Richard’s brows furrowed, and his lips pursed into a perplexed scowl.  “You will need to explain.”

Lady Catherine rose and walked to the window. Darcy was still pacing in the front garden.  “I promised his mother that I would see him marry well and for love.”  She raised a brow at Richard, causing his mouth to snap shut. “When his father died, he was not ready to take on the responsibilities of an estate and make a proper decision about a wife.  He would have rushed pell-mell into an untenable marriage that would have perhaps resulted in a family, but not a happy one.  He would have used some supposed list of qualifications of a proper wife and never thought once about the misery he would have faced as a result.” She tipped her head and gave Richard a firm look. “Do not tell me he would not have done so.  You know as well as I that he puts duty before everything.” She shook her head.  “I still think he has no idea what sort of wife he requires.” 

Richard laughed.  “And you do?” 

Lady Catherine returned to her chair. “I do, and I have found her.”  She chuckled at the way Richard’s mouth dropped open again.  “A simple county miss with a keen mind.” 

“And you found her?”

Lady Catherine raised one shoulder and let it drop slightly.  “I believe, I have.” She leaned forward as she prepared to tell him how she had done it.  “My parson is the heir to an estate that is entailed — a distant cousin or some such thing.  It is difficult at times to follow his meandering.” 

Richard raised a brow and smirked, earning a rap on the knee.

“I am not meandering.”

Richard inclined his head in acceptance although the smirk did not fade from his lips.

“Anyway, this cousin has five daughters — three of a good marriageable age and two just reaching it.” She smiled as the smirk dropped from Richard’s face and was replaced with amazement.  “I sent him to find a wife from among them because I reasoned that if he could marry one, then the others might be asked to visit on occasion, and I might be able to select one for Darcy.” 

Richard shook his head.  “How did you know these ladies would be simple country misses with intelligence?” 

Lady Catherine shrugged.  “Collins had said their father eschewed town and spent the chief portion of his time in his study. I thought it likely that at least one daughter might have inherited her father’s love of books and learning.” 

Richard nodded.  That made sense. It was unlikely that all five daughters would be completely unlike their father.  “Was he successful?”

Lady Catherine laughed.  “No, he was not, and I really should have known he would go about it wrong.  He tends to bungle things, but in his bungling, he has made my task of selection most easy.”  She laughed again. “She refused him — soundly, and she is not taken with Darcy.  Quite the contrary. She thinks him proud.”  Her eyes fairly danced with mirth.  “Collins did secure a wife, however, and Mrs. Collins happens to be Mrs. Darcy’s particular friend.  That is how I know so much about my choice.  Mrs. Collins is a lovely lady, very sensible — quite the opposite of her husband.” 

Richard’s head tilted to the side.  “Your parson has a guest.” 

A smile split Lady Catherine’s face.  “Upon my urging, he does.” 

“The lady you have selected?” 

Lady Catherine’s brows flicked up quickly. “Clever is it not?”


Leenie B Books


Music Monday: Two Period Drama Videos, Falling (Keri Noble)

I have two videos for you today — same song, different story — because I just could not pick one. I love both movies that have been paired up with this beautiful song.  Writing news and a story excerpt can be found below the second video.

Hernandez, Danielle. “North and South – Falling.” YouTube. YouTube, 30 Mar. 2008. Web. 22 Jan. 2017.
Tiyera. “Pride and Prejudice – Darcy & Elizabeth – Falling.” YouTube. YouTube, 03 Oct. 2009. Web. 22 Jan. 2017.

So which video did you like best? I really could not choose one.  They are both on my Music Meets Movies playlist on Youtube.  I picked this song to share today because of the excerpt that I am sharing.  Like many (most) of my books, So Very Unexpected is a story of two characters meeting and slowly realizing that they love each other.

In this book, the love story begins as a friendship.  Marcus finds Lydia in his cottage and befriends her on their trip back to Willow Hall.  Lydia has not had many true friends in her life and having someone like her just for herself and not for what they can get from her is a new experience.  As the story progresses this friendship evolves into something deeper — love.  The excerpt below is part of the chapter where Marcus is finally asked to consider Lydia as wife, and it is where his “fear” sets in as he wrestles with the thought.

So Very Unexpected is in its final stages of editing, and its release date is scheduled for February 14, 2017.


*( ) added to clarify characters

“The scoundrel (Wickham) may attempt to scheme his way into the coffers of whomever Miss Lydia marries.”  He (Marcus) leaned forward and glared at both men (Mr. Williams and Philip). “You know as well as I that not all husbands will be kind to a wife they think has played them for a fool.”  His heart beat heavily against his ribs while his fingers clutched the arms of his chair. How could they suggest such a thing? It would be better for Lydia never to marry than to be subjected to such treatment.

“Yes,” said Philip, pushing a folded piece of paper across the desk toward Marcus, “we have taken that into consideration.  I made a list of men I knew to be upstanding in my estimation.  The list was not long, of course.  We are not well-stocked with eligible gentlemen here in Kympton at present, so I included those I knew from Lambton.”

Marcus attempted to take the paper from the desk, but Philip held it in place by pressing down on it.

“Lucy wishes for me to say that she had only your description and a few comments made yesterday by Aunt Tess upon which to base her opinions when eliminating names.”  Philip removed his hand from the paper.  “However, she also had a few opinions of her own about some of the gentlemen I had included and therefore, would not allow their names to remain on the list.”

Marcus opened the paper.  A list of about fifteen names had been whittled down to five.  “Harris?  I dare say he would not treat her well,” Marcus muttered.  “It was he who called her a flirt to Miss Elizabeth.”

“Would you like to remove his name?” Philip held out a pen.  Had Marcus not been so disgusted with his cousin as a choice and therefore so eager to scratch out his name, he might have noticed the amused look that passed between Philip and Mr. Williams.

Marcus scooted to the edge of his chair and, placing the paper on the desk, scratched out his cousin’s name.  “Besides, he is only a captain.” He looked up at Philip.  “The bottom of what Miss Lydia finds acceptable for rank.  Now, Colonel Fitzwilliam has a better rank and good connections,” he drew a line through the name, “but Mary Ellen would not be pleased.”

“She should make her interest known,” muttered Philip.

“Perhaps, but I will not attempt to steer the object of her affections away from her.”

“Just as you refuse to inform him of her affections?” Philip asked with a laugh.

“Precisely.”  Marcus grinned at his brother.  “For the same reasons you have not made mention of it.”

Philip inclined his head in acknowledgment of the fact.

Marcus returned his attention to the list and scratched out the next two names.  “Not sensible enough.  It would be a home filled with folly,” he muttered about the first.  “Too sensible. She would be thought a fool,” he said of the second and looked up at his brother, “which she is not.”

He made one last omission from the list and, placing the pen on the desk, sat back in his chair.  It had taken some fortitude to omit the last name, for a small flutter in the vicinity of his heart wished for the gentleman to succeed with Lydia.

“You have made our task impossible.”  Philip’s words were stern, but his expression was not.  “You did not mention why the last man was unacceptable.”

“He is too old, and she is too young.”

Philip picked up the paper and motioned to his brother to lean forward.  Then, he looked very carefully at Marcus’ face.   “I am afraid you are wrong.”  He picked up the pen and added Marcus’ name once again to the list.

“I am not.”

Philip nodded and pointed to the corner of his eye.  “No lines.  Therefore, not old.”  He grinned.  “Although not young either.”

“I cannot marry her.”  The words cut at his heart.  “She is not ready to take on Aldwood Abbey.”

Mr. Williams snorted.  “She is not ready, or you are not?”  He stood.  “Your grandfather said the same about your mother when your father married.”  His hand rested on Marcus’s shoulder.  “And she did struggle at first, but ask anyone in your father’s employ, she rose to the challenge, just as I expect, Miss Lydia would. She is quick enough to see a blackguard for what he is and cunning enough to bend him to her purposes.  So, unless you can find a name to replace yours, you will have to accept one of the fellows you crossed off — or take on the responsibility yourself.”  He gave Marcus’ shoulder a pat.  “With you, she would, at least, be safe. Gentleman.”  He bowed and took his leave.

Philip rose. “I suppose my tea will be cold.”

Marcus nodded and took up his hat.  He really did not care if his brother’s tea was cold.  In fact, if he had not promised to take tea with Aunt Tess, he would just go home.  How could he face Lydia when his mind was in such a jumbled state.  Marry her?  See her married to another? Neither seemed an acceptable outcome.


Leenie B Books