Today, I am sharing a video but not just because of the music (which is excellent). Rather, I am sharing it because of what is happening in the background while the music is being played. You’ll have to watch to see what I am talking about. (I find it fascinating to watch artists do this sort of thing.) However, don’t get so caught up in the moment that you forget to keep scrolling after the video is over and miss the writing news and story excerpt I am including. 🙂
As expected, this week was a slightly lower productivity week for me as I took time out to take a day trip to Fort Anne and Port-Royal National Historic sites (pictured below) with my husband and boys.
But in spite of this full day break from my normal routine and an evening spent out and about with my husband, I did manage to get some work done.
Here’s what I accomplished:
EXCERPT FROM Confounding Caroline: Continue reading Music Monday: Rescue, Hunter Hayes
Today marks the book birthday for Henry: To Prove Himself Worthy — a book that began its journey into existence through an idea left in the comments on a Music Monday post. Let me tell you a little about the book and then leave you with two links — one where you can read a preview and one to all the stores on which this novella is available for purchase.
This book is about Henry Crawford, the would-be prince charming to Fanny Price’s Cinderella. Had he had a better upbringing, had he had the fortitude within himself to resist his own vanity, had he been faithful to do what he told Fanny he would, his fate would have been different. There were so many things that he should have but did not do, and in so not doing, he worked out his own ruin and unhappiness.
In the final chapter of Mansfield Park, Jane Austen has a fairly lengthy passage about how Mr. Crawford came upon his ruin, and that is where she leaves him — in misery. The reader does not know what will become of him beyond him feeling the consequences of his poor choices most greatly.
This is where I have picked up the story. Right there, where Henry is feeling his failure, where he his heartbroken and wretched. But I have no intention of leaving him in such a state, for you see, in my story, the agony of loss had done its work and begun a transformation, leaving Henry Crawford with a desire to regain something of what he lost in Fanny Price and on a path to achieving his own happily ever after.
However, change is never easy.
A preview of this book is available HERE.
You may purchase this book at your favourite retailer HERE.
He’s failed before, but with her help, this time, he might just succeed.
Today, I thought I would share the last video that I added to my Music Meets Movies YouTube playlist today. Now, I like country music — the newer style stuff, the stuff that is less “twangy,” — but this video was just so enjoyable and the song lyrics are just story-inspiring (IMO) that I couldn’t resist adding it to my list. So give it a listen and read on to see what is happening in my writing life.
This past week was a tad on the frustrating side as far as getting work done. There were a number of things that “popped up” and demanded attention. Some of which were really fun like the Thursday evening supper out and drive to Peggy’s Cove at sunset with my husband followed by an after-dark walk along the Halifax Waterfront. Others were not as enjoyable 🙂
(But then, what is as enjoyable as spending time with the guy you love?)
All of these unexpected things meant that almost all of Unravelling Mr. Darcy still needs first round edits — I only got one chapter done –, and my word count on the new story was a good bit lower than I had hoped it would be. However, I did get some words written, and I am going to share a portion of those words with you below this short writing news section.
Two writing-related things that I have coming up this week are the release of Henry: To Prove Himself Worthy on Tuesday and a guest post on Diary of an Eccentric with an ebook giveaway on Wednesday.
On the non-writing-related side of life, I have a couple of day trips coming up, so I already know this will be a less productive week. However, I’ll do my best to find time to write so that I have something to share with you next week.
Now, to share the last bit of what I wrote this week. This story is still the one that I plan to post on Thursdays here on the blog as soon as With the Colonel’s Help is finished.
AN EXCERPT FROM Confounding Caroline: Continue reading Music Monday: She’s More, Pride and Prejudice