Since I don’t have a story excerpt for you today, I thought I would share a music video about a story — one of my favourite Austen novels — Northanger Abbey to be precise.
I have a couple of confessions.
First, I have never seen this film adaptation. I’ve seen a rather odd version from the 80s but not this one.
Second, though I love the novel, I have not, in fact, read it. 🙂 I’ve only ever listened to it. 🙂 I do enjoy audiobooks at times. The narrator did a spectacular job allowing me to hear the sarcasm of the tale as I cleaned and got groceries. (I probably looked a bit silly laughing as I chose grocery items off the shelves in the store, but Mr. Tilney does know how to make a girl giggle. 😉 )
One of those ^ things I will have to, at some point, rectify — watching this film version of the novel. I am satisfied to have “read” the novel on audiobook (more than once).
Moving on from my lack of movie watching, I do not have a great deal of writing news to share, but I do have a bit. I have finished the first draft of Enticing Miss Darcy and have posted it all on Patreon, and I have only a couple chapters to reread before sending it off to my first reader. Therefore, it appears, at the moment, that the tentative publication date of March 6, 2018 — only one month from now — is on track.
HOWEVER, there is that short story which I hope to add to the end of the book as a little extra info about a couple of side characters. That story is only just begun, and I must decide before I sit down to write tonight if I am going to go with a standard Leenie form of story or if I will put a bit of a different twist on it. That is perhaps a bit cryptic, but unless you are one of my patrons, that’s as clear as it is getting until the story is published. (No matter how much I wish to share, I am determined to keep this one under wraps.)
I think that is all my news for this week. I will not have an excerpt next week either since I am writing that “secret” story, so I will share another story sort of video. Until then…
Have a great week!
I had a different song in mind for today’s post until this one popped up on YouTube as a recommendation for me on Saturday morning. Well, I gave it a listen, and then hit repeat several times and added it to my “My Kinda Country” playlist on both YouTube and Spotify. 🙂 To say I like it is a bit of an understatement. LOL Added to the fact that I like the song (a lot) as a reason for posting it today, is the fact that it fits in tone and theme with what I have been writing this week.
You see, I typed the final word of the first draft of Enticing Miss Darcy on Friday night (or technically Saturday morning as it was after midnight)! And we all know how a romance ends, right? On a very happily ever after note, which I think this song has in spades. So, I shelved the other song to use another week, and instead, you get to listen to this one. 🙂
Frankly, between writing the ending of Enticing Miss Darcy (8000+words) and One Winter’s Eve releasing this past Thursday, not much else got done this week in my writing world. 😀 Of course, it’s not like that was a relaxed schedule of work! I sent out emails, posted about the book being available, created some graphics as well as another book excerpt video, kept an eye on how things were selling and watching for the print version to link with the ebook, and so on. It was busy. I even skipped writing more of Confounding Caroline this week because when I get to the certain point in a story, and I can see the end coming, I have to get it out in order to be able to relax. 🙂 And I just couldn’t fit adding to Confounding Caroline and concluding Enticing Miss Darcy in my available writing time.
Looking ahead to this coming week, I will be working on a short story that will be a bonus follow up sort of thing for a couple of original characters in Enticing Miss Darcy. I will also begin my first pass edits on Enticing Miss Darcy so that by the end of this week or the beginning of next week, I will be able to send it to my first reader and start the process of polishing for publication. The tentative publication date is March 6, 2018, with a short pre-order period before that.
Also this week, I will have to begin working on brainstorming what the next work in progress will be. I think it is going to be a Dash of Darcy story.
Since I am heading into a transition period between stories, there maybe be one or two Monday’s without a story excerpt as I want to keep this bonus short story to Enticing Miss Darcy secret, and I want to have the next work in progress well underway before I share from it. (I like to make certain I am happy with how a story is unfolding before I start sharing.) And honestly, I need a breather, which means I am going to not push too hard to get things written and planned this week. (or at least I am going to try not to push too hard LOL)
So, for the final time on a Music Monday, here is…
AN EXCERPT FROM Enticing Miss Darcy:
[Remember, this is toward the end, so it could very likely contain spoilers. Read at your own risk.] Continue reading Music Monday: The Only, High Valley