Harriet and the Colonel, Ch. 4 (part 2)

Find previous posts here.

A/N: This scene and the one that begins chapter 5 appears in Oxford Cottage as that is where this story and that one cross over. However, here, this scene is told from Harriet’s point of view and has new details added because of that.

Harriet crept softly to the door of the small library that was connected by a secret door to her brother’s study. She stood at the door for a moment taking in the dusty clothes the colonel wore along with his mussed hair and unshaven jaw. If weariness were a person, this is what it would look like. It made her heart hurt for him.

“Colonel Fitzwilliam?” she said softly. His eyes were closed, and if he were napping while he waited for her brother, she did not truly wish to be the cause of waking him. No matter how much she wished to speak to him.

“I am not sleeping Miss Phillips. I am thinking.”

“Has something happened?” As if she did not already know that it had. His legs were stretched out in front of him, crossed at the ankles. His hands were clasped at his waist with his elbows resting on the arm of the chair. His head rested on the back of the chair, but, as she stepped into the room, she could see that his face was not relaxed. Lines of worry hung around his eyes and spanned his forehead. It was enough to confirm her suspicions even before he answered with a simple, “yes.”

Continue reading Harriet and the Colonel, Ch. 4 (part 2)

Smashwords’ Read An Ebook Week 2025

It’s Read An Ebook Week at Smashwords and all my Leenie and Annilee books are marked 25% off.

(And Listen to Your Heart is free until the end of the promotion when it will return to it’s $0.99 promotional price for the rest of the month.)

You can find my books here:
(Leenie) https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/LeenieBrown
(Annilee) https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/AnnileeNelson

And this is the main promotion shelf where you can filter the categories using the options in the left hand menu: https://www.smashwords.com/shelves/promos

Promotion ends on Saturday, March 8, 2025.

Vauxhall on a Gala Night (Richard Phillips c.1804)

If you would like to listen to this post, you can do so on YouTube at this link.

Image extracted from page 503 of Modern London; being the history and present state of the British Metropolis. Illustrated with numerous copper plates, by Richard Phillips. Picture dated as published June 11, 1804. Original held and digitised by the British Library. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Unravelling Mr. Darcy, along with it’s sequels: Becoming Entangled and Enticing Miss Darcy, are fun Regency romps. The sort of stories where romcom meets Austen.

In Unravelling Mr. Darcy, the first story in this trilogy, Darcy is given a second chance to win Elizabeth’s good opinion before he even leaves the parsonage at Hunsford, and he’s not going to let anything get in his way of success. Not even his tightly wound pride.

The scene that I’m sharing today, and have paired with the drawing of a “Gala Night at Vauxhall” by Richard Phillips, is from the second half of the book, and it is set in Vauxhall — a pleasure garden that often appears in Regency romances.

All sorts of scandals seem to happen there in other Regency romances and, even in this one, there’s mention of a scandal that resulted in a couple marrying.

However, our dear couple will not fall victim to scandal. Be that as it may, that does not mean their appearance at Vauxhall will not find its way into the paper for reasons you will see in the following excerpt.

An Excerpt from Chapter 7 of Unravelling Mr. Darcy

Elizabeth placed her hand on Darcy’s arm and allowed him to escort her from their supper box and toward one of the numerous paths in Vauxhall Gardens. The vast number of people that filled the supper boxes and paths was astonishing, and then when the torches were lit, and the orchestra was playing while waiters scurried back and forth making certain that all in attendance were happy, it was nearly overwhelming. She had heard stories of this place, but until now, she had never truly imagined its grandeur.

Darcy drew Elizabeth closer to his side as they strolled. “Are you enjoying yourself?”


Darcy smiled at how the word was more breathed than spoken. “I had wondered. You have been rather quiet.”

She looked up at him. “I am awestruck by my surroundings. There is nothing quite like this in Hertfordshire.”

“Most assuredly,” he agreed with a chuckle.

“I am surprised you would venture into this vast sea of humanity,” she teased. “Our little assembly with its gathered throng was a great trial to you.”

He saw her lips twitch, and he waited for her to complete her tease before he refuted her.

“Perhaps,” she said, cocking a brow in a rather beguilingly impertinent fashion, “that is because the residents in the country are unwashed savages.”

“Oh, indeed they are,” he replied with a smile. “I have it on the greatest authority.”

Her eyes grew wide. “Do tell,” she prompted.

He leaned his head near her ear and whispered, “Miss Bingley.”

Elizabeth laughed.

“I assure you it is true because her sister verified the fact and some rude man lent his voice to the assessment if I am not mistaken.” He bent toward her ear once again. “You will forgive me for such ungentlemanly behaviour, will you not? I am attempting to improve my ways.”

There was such contrition in his whispered words that she gave his arm a small squeeze and readily bestowed her pardon. Mr. Darcy had over the last four days been the perfect gentleman. Both her aunt and uncle had been duly impressed by his manners. According to Aunt Gardiner, there was nothing of grandeur about him, save for the way he carried himself when walking. However, it was not deemed arrogant but rather dignified. Aunt Gardiner had spoken at some length of how of anyone she had met, Mr. Darcy was justified in thinking of himself in lofty ideals since she had seen his estate and knew many of his tenants. The man was of no small fortune, and he was, to her knowledge, always just in his dealing with tradesmen in Lambton. Bills were not left unpaid, and even lowly delivery boys were given a nod when he saw that they were doing their work well.

Elizabeth had heard enough arguments in Darcy’s favour to settle her more firmly in her new belief of his being among the best of men. Then, having observed him in her uncle’s home as well as when she and Jane had gone to Darcy House to have tea with his grandmother and Georgiana, she was beyond convinced of her correctness in viewing him in such a light. So convinced was she of his noble character that she allowed her heart to be open to his declaration to her, and though it was little more than a fortnight since that horrid evening in the parsonage, she found herself quite certain that should he offer for her again, she would accept with alacrity. For her heart spoke of love, though her mind had yet to fully comprehend it.

Darcy stopped to greet an acquaintance and introduced Elizabeth to them as well as Bingley and Jane, who followed close behind.

“I say, Darcy,” said Bingley before they began walking again, “it will likely be noted in the paper that you were seen in Vauxhall with a lady on your arm.”

Darcy shrugged. “They had best describe her as beautiful,” he said with a grin.

Bingley chortled. “I seem to have misplaced my friend whose greatest desire was to shun all of society.”

“He is not misplaced.” Darcy raised a brow at Bingley. “He has, it seems, found his good sense in a rather forceful fashion.”

Bingley chuckled. “Yes, I dare say your appearance will also make the society page.”

“Have you no pity for him at all?” Elizabeth asked in feigned disbelief.

“Not a jot,” Bingley declared.

At the time of this post, this set of books are enrolled in the Kindle Unlimited program and, therefore, only available at Amazon. Find links for them on the book page of my website @ leeniebrown.com/books

Novelettes . . . where nature plays a part

Today, I’m sharing my (Leenie’s) Nature’s Fury and Delights collection of novelettes with you. Or should I say rambling on about my Nature’s Fury collection since I was struggling with some brain fog issues when I recorded this yesterday. 🙂

I’m also trying out a new mic set up. One of these days I’ll get all the tech stuff figured out. (I hope LOL) Probably about the time I start to feel a bit more comfortable being on camera? Maybe?


Orchard Skies (Thad Fiscella)

Today, I’m pairing a beautiful piece of music that is aptly named with the first few paragraphs of my novelette Apple Blossoms and Whispering Hearts. This is what we call the meet-cute in romance writing. AKA when the hero and heroine meet.

Thomas is a bachelor who struggles with social interactions – especially when they are with ladies. He’s a bit unsure of himself and sees himself as not very much of a “prize.”

Clara is a widow with an energetic young daughter. She thinks she’s had her one chance at happily ever after.


P.S. Apple Blossoms and Whispering Hearts is the Patreon free read this month. You only have to be signed up as a member to read it. No subscription required. It’s also one of the stories in First Blooms and Second Chances, the second collection of Nature’s Fury and Delights that is on sale all this month for $2.99 USD (with all other currencies also reduced). Regular price is $5.99 USD.

Continue reading Orchard Skies (Thad Fiscella)